maintenance and repair. An example of a
maintenance manual is the Technical Manual for
Description, Operation, and Maintenance of the JP-5
Jet Fuel Centrifugal Purifier, NAVSEA S9542-AB-
MMO-010 (fig. 8-2).
By proper use of these publications, all
equipment can be operated and maintained in the
same efficient manner throughout the Navy.
Technical/Maintenance manuals do not contain
detailed descriptions or procedures concerning pre-
ventive maintenance, since this information is con-
tained on maintenance requirement cards (MRCs).
For information on the 3-M System, consult OPNAV-
INST 4790.4 (series), Ships Maintenance Material
Management Manual.
Technical/Maintenance Manuals do contain the
A description of the equipment
The theory of operation
Figure 8-2.JP-5 Centrifugal Purifier
Technical Manual.
Troubleshooting techniques
Corrective maintenance information
Specific safety requirements
Parts breakdown and numbers
Sketches, diagrams, and schematics
Operating and design limits
Senior petty officers must be able to interpret
technical publications and to supervise their use. The
senior ABF also must know how to obtain technical
publications and how to keep them up-to-date.
Many technical publications issued by the Naval
Air Systems Command are of interest to the ABF.
The General Information and Servicing section of the
Maintenance Instructions Manual for each type of
aircraft covers the required procedures for refueling
the aircraft. Mobile refuelers and aircraft-handling
equipment are covered by other Naval Air Systems
Command publications.
Technical publications issued by the Naval Sea
Systems Command cover most of the shipboard equip-
ment used by the ABF. The fuel system for each ship
is covered in a Ships Information Book (SIB), The
SIB for the ship to which the ABF is attached should
be studied thoroughly. Also, each major component is
covered by a Technical/Maintenance Manual issued
by the Naval Sea Systems Command.
The Navy Directives System is used throughout
the Navy for the issuance of nontechnical directive-
type releases. These directives establish policy, or-
ganization, methods, or procedures. They require
action to be taken or contain information affecting
operations or administration. This system provides a
uniform plan for issuing and maintaining directives.
Conformance to the system is required of all bureaus,
offices, activities, and commands of the Navy.
Instructions and Notices are the two types of
authorized releases.
Information pertaining to action of a continuing
nature is contained in Instructions. An Instruction
has permanent reference value and is effective until
the originator supersedes or cancels it. Notices con-
tain information pertaining to action of a one-time
nature. A Notice does not have permanent reference
value and contains provisions for its own