Figure 8-5.Example of an equipment-running log.
on the cards for the squadron number, aircraft side
number, the pounds of fuel issued or defueled from
the aircraft, the total fuel load, the time of fueling or
defueling, and the plane captains initials. These
cards should be turned in to the division petty officer
responsible for keeping the fuel expenditure records.
Figure 8-6.Example of a daily aircraft
refueling equipment checklist.
They are used in filling out squadron requisitions. In
case of an aircraft accident, the cards should be re-
moved from use and filed for future use in the
accident investigation, if required. These cards are
also used in accounting for the amount of fuel on
board the ship.
The fuel checker cards are used in conjunction
with the daily pumproom reports to establish the
amount of fuel delivered and the amount of fuel re-
maining on board daily. The cards are used to
compute the amount of fuel used by each squadron. A
supply requisition is sent to each squadron for
payment for the amount of fuel used. The cost of the
fuel is paid for out of that squadrons operation and
line maintenance of aircraft allotment.
Sounding Report
Another report required in V-4 Division is the
daily sounding report. This is a two-copy report; one
copy is submitted to the engineering log room, and
the other copy is retained in V-4 division files. The
daily sounding report contains tank numbers,
capacity (in gallons and in feet and inches), the
previous days soundings, the present soundings, and
the percentage of fuel on board.
Daily Fuel Reports
The daily fuel report is compiled from the aircraft
checker cards, the pumproom reports, and tank sounding
reports. This report shows the total amount of fuel