on board. It is normally signed by the V-4 division
officer and submitted to each of the following officers:
Commanding officer
Air officer
Engineering officer
Operations officer
Officer of the deck
Supply officer
The casualty report (CASREP) has been designed
to support the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and
fleet commanders in the management of assigned
forces. The effective use and support of Navy forces
require an up-to-date, accurate operational status for
each unit. An important part of operational status is
casualty information. The reporting of casualties re-
sults in operational commanders and support person-
nel being advised of the status of significant
equipment malfunctions that could result in the deg-
radation of a units readiness. The CASREP also re-
ports the units need for technical assistance and/or
replacement parts to correct the casualty.
A casualty is defined as an equipment malfunction
or deficiency that cannot be corrected within 48 hours
reduces the units ability to perform a primary
mission, or
reduces the units ability to perform a secon-
dary mission, or
reduces a training commands ability to per-
form its mission, or a significant segment of its
mission, and cannot be corrected or adequately
accommodated by rescheduling or double-
shifting lessons or classes.
The CASREP system contains four types of re-
ports: initial, update, correct, and cancel. These re-
ports are described in general in the following
paragraphs. For more complete information on prepa-
ration and submission of the reports, see Operational
Reports. NWP 10-1-10. (Formerly NWP 7, Revi-
sion A.)
Initial Casualty Report
An Initial casualty report identifies the status of
the casualty and any parts and/or assistance that is
needed. Operational and staff authorities use this in-
formation to set priorities for the use of resources.
Update Casualty Report
An Update casualty report contains information
similar to that submitted in the Initial report and/or
submits changes to previously submitted information.
Correction Casualty Report
A unit submits a correction Correct casualty report
when equipment that has been the subject of casualty
reporting is repaired and back in operational condi-
Cancellation Casualty Report
A unit submits a cancellation Cancel casualty re-
port when equipment that has been the subject of
casualty reporting is scheduled to be repaired during
an overhaul or other scheduled availability. Outstand-
ing casualties that will not be repaired during such
availability will not be canceled, and will be subject
to normal follow-up casualty reporting procedures as
The purpose of surveys is to determine the reasons
and/or responsibilities for the loss, damage, or de-
struction of Government material and to determine the
actual loss to the U.S. Government. Immediately upon
the discovery of the loss, damage, or destruction of
Government material, a preliminary investigation is
conducted. The investigation is conducted to deter-
mine if there is evidence of negligence, willful mis-
conduct, or deliberate unauthorized use. This
preliminary investigation is conducted by the depart-
ment head or division officer (or equivalent) respon-
sible for the material. When circumstances warrant,
such as an indication of criminal action or gross neg-
ligence, the CO or OIC may appoint a surveying
officer or a survey board to investigate the situation
further. However, individuals who are accountable or