responsible for the material in question may not be
appointed as a surveying officer.
An investigation or a review must determine what
caused the loss, damage, or destruction of the material
being surveyed. The facts surrounding the incident
must be thoroughly and quickly investigated to deter-
mine the cause. However, the investigation or review
should not be limited to the verification of statements
from individuals. The investigation should be broad
enough to ensure that the interests of the Government,
as well as the rights of the individual(s) and the Navy
activity, are fully protected. A review is required to
prove or refute statements from individuals and to
place the responsibility where it belongs.
Research action is not required when the CO or
OIC believes that negligence was not involved in the
loss, damage, or destruction of Government property.
When, for reasons known to the CO or OIC, negli-
gence or responsibility cannot be determined and for
those reasons research would be an unnecessary ad-
ministrative burden, research action is not required.
Research action is not usually required when an indi-
vidual accepts responsibility for the loss, damage, or
destruction of property and voluntarily offers to reim-
burse the Government for the material.
There are many situations that may require a sur-
vey, but the ABF is concerned mainly with bulk pe-
troleum products. If a loss exceeds stated allowances
(for example, MOGAS one half of one percent;
JP-5 one quarter of one percent), a survey is re-
quired. If the cause of the loss is unresolved, a DD
Form 200, Report of Survey, will be initiated.
More detailed information is available in NAV-
SUP Pub. 485, Afloat Supply Procedures.
There is no possible way every instruction or
manual you will be required to use can be covered
here. As systems and equipment are tailored for each
command, so too are the publications required to sup-
port the command. As was stated earlier, you may not
know a specific detail of an operation or maintenance,
but you should know where to get the information.
Learn to use your instructions, technical manuals, and
other publications early in your career. You can t go