LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Identify portable
power tools used by the ABF. Explain the use
and care of power tools. State the safety precau-
tions required when using power tools.
ABFs are frequently required to use portable
power tools in the maintenance of assigned areas that
are exposed to the weather. Power tools, when used
properly and efficiently, are an enormous time and
manpower saver, especially when a large painted or
rusted surface requires scaling and represervation.
Before using electric portable tools, be sure the proper
voltage is supplied. This information can be found
Figure 2-31.Portable electric sander.
on the nameplate permanently attached to the tool.
Electric tools of all types used in the Navy are re-
quired to have a proper ground capability. If doubt
exists whether or not a good ground has been estab-
lished, request the services of an Electricians Mate to
check it out before applying power to the tool.
NEVER VARY the manufacturers recommended
When pneumatic tools are used, the air supply
pressure specified on the nameplate should always be
maintained. Insufficient air pressure causes the tool to
function improperly. Excessive air pressure results in
damage to the tool and the person operating the tool
may not be able to control it properly.
REMEMBER that tools can cut through rust,
paint, metal, arms, and legs. Give your full attention
while operating any power tool and never distract
anyone who is using power equipment.
The electric drill is a versatile item of equipment.
It is probably used more than any other portable elec-
tric tool. It can be used for drilling holes in wood or
metals, mixing paint, and buffing small items with the
proper attachments, as well as a variety of other uses.
The average size electric drill has a 1/4-inch ca-
pacity, with a three-fingered chuck tightened with a
chuck key. The chuck key is usually taped to the
electric cord about 18 inches from the drill itself to
allow it to be used in the chuck without being re-
moved from the cord. Heavier drills are larger in
appearance and weight but have larger motors and
Figure 2-32.Pneumatic chipping hammer.