line. From the point of intersection, inscribe a horizontal
line to the left-hand border of the chart. The numbers
along the left-hand border do not exactly point to a ring
number; always use the next smaller ring.
Install this ring in the purifier. Operate the purifier,
and observe the JP-5 and water-discharge sight flow
gages. If all of the discharge goes out the water dis-
charge, the discharge ring is too large. Stop the purifier
and install the next smaller ring. Make another trial. If
necessary, repeat until JP-5 is properly discharged from
the bowl shell assembly. If more than one trial is re-
quired, it generally indicates a mistake was made in
determining the correct specific gravity or in using the
discharge ring size chart.
When the seal water is cold, a small amount
of JP-5 may discharge with the water at first.
This will cease as the water, JP-5, and purifier
heat up. In this case, it will not be necessary to
change the discharge ring.
If water discharges with the JP-5, the discharge ring
is too small; try the next larger ring.
When the proper size discharge ring is established,
do not change it. As a general rule, the most satisfactory
purification occurs when the discharge ring is the larg-
est size possible without causing loss of JP-5.
During normal operations, there should be no more
than a small discharge from the water outlet. The bulk
of the discharge should be out the purifier JP-5 outlet.
If a large discharge from the water outlet is ob-
served, it indicates excessive water in the feed, or the
water seal has been lost. The operator should immedi-
ately determine whether the excessive discharge is
water or JP-5.
If the excessive discharge is JP-5, the bowl has lost
its seal. Stop the flow of feed; reprime the bowl; and
slowly resume the flow of feed.
If the seal is again lost, immediately stop the purifier
and check the discharge ring size and the bowl shell
assemblys two robber seal rings. Correct the cause and
resume operation.
If the excessive discharge is water, secure the op-
eration and determine the source of the water. Sound
the storage tanks with water-detecting paste and restrip
the storage tanks as necessary.
If the tanks have been properly settled and
stripped, there should never be more than a
trace of water in the feed.
If water has been put into the service tanks, they
must also be stripped. If no water is found in the
storage tanks, check the piping in the bilge, voids,
etc., for leaks or other possible sources of water.
Purifier Maintenance
Establish and maintain a regular cleaning sched-
ule, considering the following factors:
1. Accumulation of a large quantity of heavy solids
in the bowl shell will cause the bowl to run rough. The
bowl must be cleaned before the wet cake exceeds 30
pounds or 1 1/2-inch thickness at its thickest point.
2. If the purifier is to be inactive for less than 12
hours, it must be flushed out with freshwater while it is
still operating, by using the priming water.
3. If the purifier is to be inactive longer than 12
hours, it must be disassembled and thoroughly cleaned.
4. In any event, the bowl must be disassembled and
thoroughly cleaned at least once a week.
The purifier bowl should be inspected for corro-
sive pitting. If pitting is found, the bowl should be
thoroughly cleaned with a mild abrasive cleaner in
combination with stainless steel sponges. If pitting
continues, the bowl should be reconditioned at the
earliest opportunity.
Where pitting has progressed to 1/4-inch in depth,
replace the bowl.
Continued use of deeply pitted bowls can
be potentially hazardous.
When disassembling and assembling the bowl
shell assembly for cleaning, you must remember that
the parts are heavy. For this reason, a chain hoist and
trolley have been provided to lift the parts and trans-
port them to a deep sink. Be careful when raising,
lowering, and transporting the parts. It is imperative
that the chain hoist be centered directly over the cen-
ter of the spindle before any part is raised or lowered.