b. Designated manifold transfer mainside
c. Designated transfer-pump inlet valve.
d. Designated transfer-pump discharge valve.
e. Designated transfer-pump inlet and dis-
charge gage valve.
f. Freshwater supply valve (seal water sup-
g. Bowl casing drain valve (locked open).
h. Designated service-tank fill valve.
i. Purifier discharge valve.
3. Start the purifier (press start button).
4. When the purifier bowl shell assembly attains
4,100 rpm (146 to 150 bumps per minute within 11
minutes), open the seal-water inlet valve.
5. Open the main water-discharge observation
port on the cover assembly.
6. When water discharges past the observation
port, close the seal-water inlet valve.
7. Start the designated transfer pump (press start
8. Slowly open the purifier inlet globe valve and
throttle to maintain 9 psi inlet pressure. Then throttle
the purifier discharge globe valve to maintain 30 psi
back pressure.
9. Log the time the following were started:
a. Transfer pump.
b. Purifier.
Certain conditions will occur that will re-
quire the purifier to be left running for brief
periods of time with no fuel flow. The purifier
must then be placed in the standby mode to
prevent overheating of internal parts.
Shut the purifier inlet valve.
Stop the designated transfer pump (press
stop button).
Manually open the seal water valve to the
purifier and admit a small flow (trickle) of
seal water to the purifier.
Check after 5 minutes and every 5 minutes
thereafter to ensure the inlet-outlet housing
and purifier bowl cover are cool to the
If the housing and cover are not cool to the
touch, increase the flow of seal water.
10. While the purifier is running:
a. Log the designated transfer pump inlet and
discharge gage readings.
b. Log the purifier inlet and discharge gage
c. Take inlet and discharge samples:
(1) Analyze samples with the AEL Con-
taminated Fuel Detector Mk III.
(2) Log the results of the analysis.
11. When the designated transfer pump loses suc-
tion on the storage tank:
a. Close the purifier inlet valve.
b. Open the manifold valves for the next stor-
age tank to be emptied.
c. Close the manifold valves for the already
empty storage tank.
d. Repeat step 8.
12. When the service tanks are 95 percent full, stop
the transfer operation. The procedure for stopping the
purifier is as follows:
a. Close the purifier inlet valve.
b. Stop the designated transfer pump (press
stop button).
c. Stop the purifier (press the stop button).
Do not engage the brake.
The purifier will coast to a stop (about 45
As the purifier slows down:
(1) Centrifugal force diminishes.
(2) Feed inlet pressure will drop to zero.
(3) Discharge pressure will drop to zero.
Close the purifier discharge valve.