h. Close all valves still open.
i. Log the time the following were stopped:
(1) Designated transfer pump.
(2) Purifier.
j. Log the gross gallons removed from the
storage tanks.
k. Log the net gallons transferred into the
service tank.
Emergency stopping procedures are:
1. Press the purifier stop button.
2. Apply the hand brake (handle up).
3. Stop the transfer pump (press stop button).
4. Close the purifier discharge and inlet valves.
Since the purifier discharge and inlet
valves are closed in that order, JP-5 trapped
in the purifier places an added resistance to
rotation, thus helping to stop the purifier.
The procedure for starting the purifier with a
dirty bowl is as follows:
1. Complete all the preliminary steps.
2. Complete steps 1, 2, and 3 as when starting
with a clean bowl.
3. Open the purifier seal water inlet valve. The
seal water flowing into the purifier keeps the bowl
balanced as the purifier comes up to speed.
4. When the purifier attains full rpm, complete
steps 5 through 12 as when starting with a clean
The position of the line of separation between the
JP-5 and water is important to proper purification.
For good purification, this line should be outside the
disk stack but well under the top disk. If the line of
separation is too far out, some or all of the JP-5 will
dis-charge with the water. If the line of separation is
too far in, water will discharge with the JP-5. The
position of the line of separation depends upon the
selection of the proper discharge ring. The discharge
ring depends on the specific gravity of the JP-5. Once
the specific gravity is determined, refer to the chart
of discharge ring sizes (fig. 4-35).
Find the specific gravity number along the base
of the chart. From this point, inscribe a vertical
lineup the chart until it intersects with the solid
curved reference
Figure 4-35.Discharge ring size chart.