Fuel-quality monitor.
Relaxation tank or equivalent piping.
Shutoff valves for maintenance.
Sample outlet.
A high-level cutoff system.
Low-intensity instrument lighting to permit full
visibility of all equipment and controls during night
Spill containment system that will prevent the run-
off of fuel in the event of tank rupture or a major
spill during loading operations.
Overhead lighting in the immediate truck-fueling
Fuel can be received by pipeline, barge, railroad
tank car, tank truck, or any combination thereof. Re-
ceiving stations are tailored to the method, quantities,
and rates of fuel delivery. Aviation fuel should be
received through a filter/separator or other appropri-
ate filtration device. This is an essential requirement
when fuel is received directly into an air stations or
facilitys operational storage tanks. Weight-handling
equipment may be necessary with barge receipts to
help with large-diameter-hose handling. Communica-
tions equipment may be necessary for barge or pipe-
line receipt to coordinate an uninterrupted product
flow. Appropriate environmental protection equip-
ment, facilities, and procedures must be provided to
comply with Federal, state, and local environmental
Tanks located at air activities provide the operat-
ing supplies of aviation fuel for aircraft. Storage tanks
are classified as bulk storage or operational storage.
All tanks must comply with the following require-
All operational or ready-issue steel tanks must be
100 percent coated with an inert material such as
polyurethane or epoxy. All bulk-steel fuel storage
tanks must be coated on the bottom and up 18 inches
on the walls. All concrete tanks storing aviation fuel
must be 100 percent lined on the floor and walls to
make them impervious to fuel.
All aviation turbine fuel operational storage tanks
must be equipped so the fuel can be circulated
through a filter/separator and returned to the tank,
thus removing any bottom sediment and water.
Outlets must be at lowest point of the tank, to
prevent water-bottoms. All aviation fuel tanks
must also be equipped with a water-stripping sys-
Tank roofs must be in good repair and must not
allow rainwater to enter.
Fill connections for all types of tanks must be sized
so that the velocity of the fuel during falling will not
exceed 3 feet per second. Inlets discharge fuel hori-
zontally near the bottom of the tank.
All bulk storage tanks must be equipped with ade-
quate sumps, drain lines, and water draw-off lines,
so that tank water-bottoms can be kept to an abso-
lute minimum. Recovery tanks that remove water
and recover fuel are recommended for environ-
mental reasons.
All tanks must be fitted with automatic gageing
devices and high- and low-level alarms and controls
to prevent the overfilling of tanks and the exposure
of pumps to cavitation. The alarms are left in the
active mode at all times.
All aboveground tanks must be within an enclosure
capable of holding the entire capacity of the tank
plus l-foot freeboard, in case the tank should rup-
ture or leak. This is usually accomplished with
impermeable dikes.
Other environmental facilities/equipment as neces-
sary to comply with Federal, state, and local laws.
Fuel passes through transfer pipelines of various
diameters and construction materials in its route from
tank to tank, storage to truck fill stands, and storage to
hydrant systems. Transfer lines must not leak or intro-
duce excessive contaminants to the fuel. Internally
coated pipe or other noncorrosive materials in these
lines should be used to reduce iron contamination in
All piping systems are marked to identify
the grade of product being carried. These markings