Pantograph and/or hose with approved,nonlubricated swivel. Zerk-type grease fittings inpantograph swing joints are not authorized,because of the possibility of contaminating thefuel with grease.Dry-break quick-disconnect fuel-service couplingwith a 60- to 100-mesh strainer.Single-point-pressure refueling nozzle with a 55-psi maximum pressure regulator.Fire extinguisher(s) in accordance with NAVAIR00-80R-14 (minimum of one 150-pound Halon orTAU unit per fueling point).Emergency eyewash/shower system available inthe immediate area.Fire alarm.MOBILE AIRCRAFT REFUELERSMobile refuelers are used primarily for coldfueling operations, with occasional hot-refuelingoperations at stations where installation of a directrefueling system is not justified. If continuous orextensive hot fueling is being performed with mobilerefuelers, the use of an anchored pantograph, asshown in figure 7-5, should be considered.Mobile aircraft refuelers vary in capacity andconfiguration. However, whether contractor- orGovernment- owned, all mobile aircraft refuelershave the same basic requirements. Theserequirements are the following:Tank construction is one compartment only, withnecessary baffles. Tank must completely drain atthe low point without traps of liquid remainingin pockets. The tank is designed so that allportions are accessible for cleaning andmaintenance.Tank is aluminum or stainless steel.Tank top opening(s) must be semi-permanentlysecured and used only for inventory and forinterior inspections and repairs. Manhole coversmust in-corporate a fusible plug or plugs, eachequipped with fine screens to provide additionalemergency release of vapor.Tank must be configured for bottom loading. Thebottom loading hardware includes a cutoff valve,an adapter to accept the standard pressure (SPR)nozzle, and must be of sufficient size to receivethe product at 600 gallons per minute. A fillstand anti-driveaway device is incorporated.Each tank must have an electronic system forcontrolling the filling operation (Scully Dynaprobeor equivalent) that is compatible with the system onthe truck fill stand. It should be located near thebottom loading adapter and include art anti-driveaway feature (can be combined with anti-driveaway device previously mentioned).The piping system, including all hardwarecomponents, must be capable of dispensing fuelat the rated flow. A flow diagram of the generalconfiguration of these system devices is shown infigure 7-6.Figure 7-5.—Hot-refueling with truck and pantograph.7-8
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