Figure 4-4.-Typical hand-operated stripping system.
associated piping and valves. It is designed to perform
the following functions:
1. Remove settled water and solids from the bot-
tom of the JP-5 storage tanks (during normal stripping
2. Remove the last 24 inches of usable fuel remain-
ing in the storage tanks after the transfer pumps lose
suction (when consolidating fuel or before ballasting a
storage tank).
3. Remove the remaining seawater left in the stor-
age tanks by the main drainage eductors (after tank
cleaning operations or deballasting a storage tank).
4. Remove the remaining 24 inches of JP-5 from
the service tanks (before cleaning or for off-loading).
5. Remove the wash water from the JP-5 service
tanks (after a cleaning operation).
6. Remove water from the purifier sump tank.
The storage-tank stripping tailpipe extends from
1 1/2 inches off the tank bottom and runs to the sin-
gle-valved stripping manifold.
There are two types of manifolds installed in this
stripping system. One is a single-valved stripping
manifold used with all JP-5 storage tanks. The other
is a flood and drain manifold that is installed only in
the piping to those JP-5 storage tanks that are desig-
nated to be ballasted. Flood and drain manifolds are
located in the stripping system between the single-
valved manifolds (for all tanks designated to be bal-
lasted) and the stripping pumps.
The stripping mains interconnect the manifold for
all the storage tanks in the group with the common
suction header of the stripping pumps. There are nor-
mally two stripping mains one port and one