is in series with the primary of the triggering
The capacitor, constructed integrally with the
exciter unit, is sealed separately in its own case.
The spark rate at the spark igniter varies in
All high voltage in the triggering circuits is isolated
from the primary circuits. The complete exciter
is sealed against the escape or entry of air. This
This varying voltage affects the rpm of the motor.
Since both cams are geared to the same shaft, the
type of construction protects all parts from
storage capacitor always accumulates its store of
adverse operating conditions and eliminates
energy from the same number of pulses before
flashover at altitude. This design also shields
against leakage of high-frequency voltage that
could interfere with radio reception in the aircraft.
High-Energy, Capacitor-Discharge
winding, holds the discharge time duration to a
Ac Ignition System
minimum. This concentration of maximum
energy in minimum time achieves an ideal spark
The ignition system is an automatic, inter-
mittent duty, at-powered, electronic capacitor
for ignition. This spark is capable of blasting
discharge system. See figure 6-7. It is used for
carbon deposits and vaporizing globules of fuel.
Figure 6-7.-Jet engine electronic ignition system.