transistors using the Model 109 probe with the Model
Q5. What is the minimum total shunt impedance
900 Automatic Transistor Analyzer in-circuit. You can
across the junction of the diode or transistor under
test using the Automatic Transistor Analyzer
accomplish a complete test of all stages in a piece of
Model 900 to ensure a good test reading?
electronic equipment in a matter of minutes. You can
also use the Model 109 to make temporary component
substitutions on the printed circuit board.
The jet ignition system tester detects and isolates
OPERATION. --Connect the leads of the Model
faults in the jet engine ignition system. You can use
109 probe to an appropriate piece of test equipment.
the tester to make the following checks:
Determine the connection points on the printed circuit
board to connect to the test equipment. Apply the
Model 109 probe points to the circuit board. Press the
probe towards the board to ensure a good connection.
Operational check of the ignition system. You
The Model 109 probe green point is slightly shorter
are able to check the engine through the
than the yellow and blue. This allows connection of
ignition unit to the spark plug.
the collector and emitter before the base to provide
maximum ease of use.
Operational check of the spark plugs.
The Model 109 probe is a valuable aid when
making resistance and voltage measurements using a
Check of the ignition unit output in sparks
conventional VOM or VTVM. Use the yellow and blue
per second.
probe points as the negative and positive meter feeds.
You can make rapid evaluations of entire circuits
faster than with any other method because each point
Power input to the ignition unit.
pierces through conventional resist coatings and
The panel of the ignition system tester is shown
the tester, refer to the tester's operation and service
instruction manual and the engine ignition system
maintenance manual.
Q1. The Huntron Tracker 1000 and 2000 are for use on
circuit boards and systems with all voltage sources
in what condition?
Q2. What mode on the Automatic Transistor Analyzer
Model 900 has the SonalertTM?
Q3. What type signal display does the Huntron
Tracker 1000 and 2000 show when the signal fuse
is open and the test leads shorted together?
Q4. When using the Huntron Tracker 2000, why must
you make good contact with the test leads?