this indicator shows compass information along
the horizon bar. It also shows turn-and-bank
information on the bottom. An even more
sophisticated instrument, the flight director,
displays the above information plus radio
navigation information, all on one instrument.
NOTE: Because of close association and
interface with inertial navigation systems, chapter
7 of this TRAMAN contains information about
attitude indicating systems.
Turn-and-Bank Indicator
called the turn-and-slip indicator, shows the lateral
Figure 6-40.-Turn-and-bank indicator.
attitude of an aircraft in straight flight. It also
provides a reference for the proper executions of
a coordinated bank and turn. It shows when the
The indicator is a combination of two
aircraft is flying on a straight course and the
instruments--a ball and a turn pointer. The ball
direction and rate of a turn. It was one of the first
part of the instrument operates by natural forces
modern instruments for controlling an aircraft
(centrifugal and gravitational). The turn pointer
without visual reference to the ground or horizon.
Figure 6-39.-All-attitude indicator (AAI).