graduation marks at 60 degrees and 90 degrees.
Q5. What instrument uses both pitot and static
The indicator is capable of displaying 360 degrees
air pressure?
of roll, 92 degrees of climb, and 79 degrees of
dive. Because of the high spin rate of the gyro,
the indicator displays accurate pitch-and-roll data
for 9 minutes after electrical failure. The attitude
Q6. What is the Mach number for an aircraft
indicator incorporates a pitch trim knob to
flying at twice the speed of sound?
position the miniature aircraft symbol above or
below the horizon reference line. The pitch trim
knob also cages the gyro. When the pitch trim
knob is pulled out, the gyro will cage. Rotating
Q7. Define the terms "AGL" and "MSL."
the knob clockwise while extended will lock in the
extended position. The attitude indicator also
incorporates an OFF flag. The flag appears
if electrical power fails, or if you cage the
Q8. Define the term "absolute altitude."
Outside Air Temperature Indicator
Q9. What is the name for the aneroid mech-
An indicator displaying uncorrected outside
anism used in most altimeters?
air temperature is located on the pilot's instrument
(temperature bulb) is exposed to the slipstream.
This resistor measures changes in temperature.
The temperature of the air measurement is in the
Q10. Name the four inputs to the air data
computer system.
temperature indicator displays this change in
resistance. The graduated indicator dial is marked
in Celsius, from +50 degrees to 50 degrees.
Q11. Define the term "impact pressure."
Q12. What is the operational limit of aircraft
using the CPU-46/A supersonic altitude
Q1. List the two ways of grouping aircraft
Q13. What system actuates the rudder pedal
Q2. What determines the air pressure at any
shaker to warn the pilot of an impending
given altitude?
Q3. What is the standard atmospheric pressure
Q14. What determines the degrees of freedom for
at 5,000 feet of altitude?
a gyro?
Q4. Name the three indicators that use pressures
Q15. Name the two basic properties of gyro-
from the pitot-static system.
scopic action.