reassign the member to a job that requires higher
You must keep communications with the team
members open. Although team members should work
on their own, they should know that they can come to
you for answers.
To encourage team members to
assume responsibility, the supervisor must be able to
recognize ability, set goals, and acknowledge
assigning members to the job they are capable of doing.
As the members ability progresses, reassign him or her
to the next level of responsibility.
SET GOALS. You should set goals that are
meaningful and realistic.
Goals may be set for an
individual member or for the team. Set the goals just
above the level the member is achieving. If the goals
are too low, there is no challenge. If they are too high,
members will likely reject them.
Achievements of the members should be recognized.
This is not only for the one or two outstanding members
of the team but is also for the achievement of others.
The following is a list of some positive results from
recognizing achievements:
. It provides the new member with the needed
boost toward increased responsibility.
. It develops initiative.
. It challenges the good performer to maintain the
same level or improve performance.
Each new representative manning the contact point
requires immediate training. The extent of training
needed depends upon the other training received and
previous experience of the member. Consider the
following factors concerning the extent of training you
should provide to members.
Members who completed AK A school should
have a good basic knowledge of the job but will
need indoctrination on local procedures.
The member who had the same experience in an
identical or similar contact point would have the
same training needs.
. Members who do not have the basic training or
experience must receive all the training
requirements to qualify for the job.
When basic training is needed by the new member,
do it immediately. You can determine the extent of
training new members need by reviewing their service
record, training record, and conducting personal
The training sessions are used to accomplish the
following results:
. Stimulate the trainees to develop a self-
evaluation process.
. Make trainees aware of their lack of knowledge.
l provide needed knowledge.
l Encourage a mutual exchange of ideas and
A few well-chosen questions can usually start the
process of self-evaluation. Then, if trainee participation
is encouraged, he or she will provide the topic for the
future training sessions. However, the members must
know what they are expected to do and then be afforded
the opportunity to do it.
Upon completion of training, provide a follow-up
interview for each member. This is just as necessary as
the training step, from both the viewpoint of the
supervisor and the new member.
The budget process is the final phase of the
integrated multiphased process for the establishment,
maintenance, and revision of the defense program and
budget. The annual budget expresses the financial
requirement necessary to support the approved defense
program developed during the planning and
programming phase.
Annual budget estimates,
therefore, define what the Department of Defense
(DOD) expects to accomplish with the resources
quested for that year.
This information gives the
Secretary of Defense and the President of the United
States an idea of the impact that current decisions have
on the current defense posture.
The budget plan in the Navy begins when the
Comptroller of the Navy issues a call for budget
estimates to applicable commands. These commands
include the following:
s Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)