Commandant of the Marine Corps
Various naval offices and bureaus
Navy systems commands
Fleet commands
Other commands that report to the CNO
In the supply department ashore, civilian personnel
perform the budget process. Budget execution/
administration at the shore activity level is primarily
oriented toward measuring the activitys performance
against its previously submitted budget plan. Major
claimants/subclaimants are responsible for preparing
operating budget estimates for higher authority. They
also issue specific planning data and budgetary
guidelines to their shore activities. The activities use the
guidelines for submitting operating budgets based on
the guidance published annually in the office of the
Comptroller of the Navy. Commanding officers prepare
operating budgets based on this guidance. The size of
the activity determines the method commanding
officers use to develop the budget. In huge activities
where there are sizable cost centers, it maybe necessary
to develop the estimates in the cost centers. In a smaller
activity, it may be feasible and economical to develop
the operating budget in the budget office.
The development of a local operating budget is a
process of determining requirements at the lowest
echelon. his level may be at the cost center or subcost
The fleet commanders are major claimants. They
provide the designated expense limitation holders and
responsibility y centers under their command with
instructions and guidance for budget preparation and
submission. If your input is required, it will be
formatted according to the instruction.
In this chapter we discussed your role and
responsibilities as an AK supervisor. We also discussed
the skills and knowledge required of a supervisor. You
must have greater skills and knowledge than the
personnel you supervise to be able to assess the
efficiency of the work center. Since work environment
changes, your leadership behavior and skills may also
require changes to maintain its effectiveness. To cope
with changes, you must play a role in doing the changes.
There are various management techniques that you
may use. To be effective, use the one that will promote
production and personnel welfare and support the
overall mission of your command.
The efficiency of a work center depends upon the
performance of its personnel. A work center with
well-trained personnel results in improved production
of both quantity and quality. You must have a training
program in place to develop your personnel to the
highest level of performance. Each completed training
session must be recorded in the individuals record for
future reference.
The material control or supply department work
centers are customer-oriented areas.
The AK
supervising these are as must be aware of the customers
needs to provide the best service. To help you improve
customer service, we discussed the check list that you
can use to identify the items that need improvement.
Very few AK supervisors will be directly involved
with the commands budget process. However, you
should be familiar with the overall budget development
process in case your services are needed to develop
them. Inmost cases, you will only need to provide input
for the commands budget process. This input may
include the annual budget needed to sustain operations
of your work center or needed material for supply
department stock When performing the budgeting
process, follow the instructions and guidance provided
by your fleet commander or major claimant.