satisfy the intended maintenance action. This
condition arises when the wrong material is
delivered, the material was improperly marked,
or the material is determined to be not ready
for issue (NRFI) on receipt. When these in-
stances occur, the following actions should be
. Prepare a DD Form 1348-1 for turn-in
using RECTYP 62.
. Notify the SRS that the material is ready
for pickup.
. Reorder the material, if required.
Turn-In of Defective Components
Repairable material must be removed from an
aircraft and made available for turn-in when a
replacement is requested, unless specifically
authorized to remain in place by the CRIPL.
When the replacement CRIPL item is re-
ceived, turn-in of the old item must be made
within 24 hours. Supporting supply activities must
strictly enforce the one-for-one exchange of
repairable using the CRIPL to identify the
authorized exceptions.
All defective repairable components must be
wrapped with a cushioning material such as
cellular plastic film (bubble wrap), PPC-C-795,
class 1 or class 2, for short-term protection of
equipment from handling and shock when the
component is turned in to supply.
Under no circumstances may spare repairable
components of any type, ready for issue (RFI) or
NRFI, be allowed to be held in any activity, unless
authorized by higher authority.
Handling and Preparation of Engineering
Investigation or Quality Deficiency
Report Material
Defective material awaiting engineering
investigation (EI) or Quality Deficiency Report
(QDR) disposition must be turned in to supply
by the originating activities who will make
sure the supporting supply department is an
information addressee on the EI request/category
(CAT) I QDR message. When material is
submitted, the following actions must be taken:
. Attach the visual information display
system/maintenance action form (VIDS/MAF),
EI request/QDR/SRC card, to the equipment
being turned in. The material control must make
sure the VIDS/MAF is marked EI or QDR with
3-inch red letters that do not obscure any data
l Special care must be taken to cap or
package material immediately upon removal from
the system to prevent corrosion, contamination,
or other damage that may contribute to confusion
or loss of possible cause factors.
. Do not try to disassemble any material.
. Do not make any adjustments.
. Do not perform any type of cleaning,
l If contamination is
samples of the fluid in a
suspected, forward
clean, sealed con-
. Forward all failed fragments. Do not try
to reassemble. Wrap fragments separately to
prevent damage by movement of one against
. Package all material to at least the same
level of protection as RFI parts. Material for
investigation must not be transported loose in
boxes or on truck beds or floors. It may not be
packed with any other items.
l Mark or tag each item with the control
number provided by the cognizant field activity
(CFA) if available.
The following procedures apply to supply
departments forwarding material for investiga-
l Conspicuously mark containers and all
documents such as airbills, government bills of
lading, Navy cargo documents, and so forth, with
the words Engineering Investigation. Cite control