attached to the AIR and one is retained by the
shipping activity for the record.
When an aircraft is delivered to a depot or
contractor facility and is scheduled to be returned
to the same organization after special depot level
maintenance (SDLM), testing, or special projects,
items not requiring rework or required by an
activity for testing or special projects are retained
by the current reporting activity. All removals
should be appropriately noted on the OPNAV
Form 4790/112 to relieve the depot or other
activity of accountability requirements. The
OPNAV Form 4790/104 is certified during the
transfer action.
When an aircraft is transferred via a depot or
contractor program, the transferring activity ships
only the minimum of essential AIR items noting
all shortages on the OPNAV Form 4790/112. The
remaining equipment is shipped to the receiving
activity 30 days before the scheduled depot or
contractor completion date. The OPNAV Form
4790/104 is certified during this transferring
AIR Shortages
When shortages of inventory items are re-
vealed in preparing an aircraft for transfer, every
effort should be made to locate the items or
effect replacement before transfer. However,
transfer of the aircraft must not be delayed
pending replacement of the items.
Before transfer, an OPNAV Form 4790/112
is prepared, listing all missing AIR- and MESM-
related items. The original signed copy of this
form is retained by the transferring activity as a
permanent record of transfer. A second copy of
the form remains in the AIR and is delivered to
the accepting activity. A third copy of the
form is forwarded to the aircraft controlling
custodian/type commander (ACC/TYCOM) of
the transferring activity. In case of an aircraft
transfer between ACCs/TYCOMs, the third copy
of the form is forwarded to the ACC/TYCOM
of the accepting activity. A fourth copy is
forwarded to the appropriate commander, fleet
air (COMFAIR); the commanding general,
Marine air wing (CGMAW); and the functional
wing/commanding general, Marine brigade
For the AIR shortages to be related to any
specific inventory or transfer transaction, the
following mandatory entries are made on the OP-
NAV Form 4790/112:
. Name of transferring/receiving activity
. Equipment check/certification number
l Date
. Signature of the inventorying activitys
commanding officer or representative authorized
to sign by direction
When shortages are discovered on receipt
of an aircraft and are not properly recorded
in the AIR, the receiving organization itemizes
shortages and submits a list of such shortages
within 10 working days after receipt of the air-
craft to the organization from which the aircraft
was received.
The transferring organization takes the follow-
ing action within 15 working days after receipt
of shortage identification:
. Furnishes vouchered turn-in documents or
furnishes shipping data indicating shortages are
en route.
. If the transferring activity is unable to
locate or justify missing items, an explanatory
statement signed personally by the transferring
activitys commanding officer is forwarded to the
accepting activity indicating the authority for
shortages; for example, the report of survey.
In all cases, authority for transferring aircraft
with shortages must be obtained from the
ACC/TYCOM before aircraft transfer.
The SSC, also referred to as the aviation
support division (ASD), is the single contact point
where material control centers of O- and I-level
maintenance activities place requirements for
material and equipment required for support of
weapons system maintenance. The SSC/ASD is
composed of two sections, the supply response
section (SRS) and the component control section