Price. Net price if the turn-in is available.
Standard price if no turn-in is available
(nonexchange advice codes).
Stock Locator Unit
The SLU is responsible for locating the
material by use of stock locator cards, master
stock status and locator listing (MSSLL), or
other available locator systems. Under some
automated systems, the locations are printed
on the requisitions when processed. The SLU
processes requisitions by taking the following
Receives requisitions from the TRU.
Determines availability and location.
Annotates locations on the requisitions.
For carried items, forwards to the MDU.
For NC or NIS items, annotates status on
requisition, does physical warehouse/storeroom
checks on all NIS NMCS/PMCS requisitions, and
forwards all NC/NIS requisitions to the TRU.
. For NC/NIS consumable requisitions
returned by the TRU and subsequent status is still
NC/NIS, forwards requisition to the RCU.
l For NC/NIS repairable requisitions, for-
wards the DD Form 1348 green copy to the RCU.
Holds the DD Form 1348 original, pink, yellow,
and hardback copies in the repairable suspense
file until notified by the RCU to induct as
l Upon notification by the RCU, stamps
requisition EXREP and forwards to the MDU for
component pickup.
. For repairable that are CRIPL items and
status is NC/NIS, forwards the DD Form 1348
original, pink, yellow, and hardback copies to the
Material Delivery Unit
The MDU is responsible for the pickup and
delivery of all material. Fragile material and
delicate components that require special handling,
including special padding, racks, and so on,
should be delivered by the most direct route to
reduce the risk of damage. The MDU processes
requisitions by taking the following actions:
l Receives requisitions from SLU for carried
l Delivers requisitions to indicated storage
. Picks up and delivers material from
appropriate storage locations. Storage location
personnel remove the DD Form 1348 original and
green copy for consumable issues, enter the Julian
date and time of issue below block V, and for-
ward them to stock control for financial and
data processing actions. When repairable items
are delivered and the DD Form 1348 is stamped
mandatory turn-in repairable (MTR), an im-
mediate exchange or proof of prior turn-in
is required unless the item is an authorized CRIPL
l Has the customer annotate time/date/
signature on the DD Form 1348 pink and hard-
back copies as a receipt for the material. Gives
the customer the pink copy and delivers the hard-
back copy to the RCU.
l For warehouse refusals (preposting
activities only), receives requisitions from the
warehouse annotated with Warehouse Refusal
and delivers them to the TRU via the RCU.
. For repairable components (exchange
available), receives the turn-in component
from the customer with logs/records and
VIDS/MAF copies 1 through 5 attached,
signs and returns the DD Form 1348 yellow
copy to customer as a receipt, and delivers
the turn-in components, logs/records, and
VIDS/MAF copies 1 through 5 to the aero-
nautical material screening unit (AMSU) via
the supply screening unit (SSU). Returns
the signed and annotated VIDS/MAF copy
2 and the DD Form 1348 original, green, and