design as the COSAL but is provided to selected
shore activities based on mission essentiality,
special operational requirements, remoteness from
normal sources of supply, and/or a combination
of all three.
Aviation Consolidated
Allowance List
The Aviation Consolidated Allowance List
(AVCAL), prepared by the Aviation Supply
Office (ASO), is a list of aircraft materials, stated
in quantities that will satisfy predicted require-
ments for maintenance of a specified mix of air-
craft for a predetermined period of time. Its
purpose is to provide the aviation ship or air
station with a tailored list of materials that can
be used as a stocking guide.
Shore-Based Consolidated
Allowance List
The Shore-Bared Consolidated Allowance List
(SHORCAL), prepared by the ASO, lists
repairable items and subassemblies required for
a shore station to perform its operational mission
in support of assigned aircraft, engines, and end
items of support equipment (SE) based on
available local repair capability.
The operational support inventory (OSI) is a
retail stock level comprised of a fixed allowance
for DLRs and field level replairables (FLRs) as
well as consumables. The OSI is that quantity of
pre-positioned material required to support the
planned aircraft program and the unique mainte-
nance mission assigned to a given activity.
Weapons systems are supported under the
OSI/fixed allowance concept as outlined in
FASOINST 4441.16. A negotiated firm allowance
of repairable assets may not be exceeded without
ICP authorization. Strict one-for-one exchange
procedures between the O- and I-level mainte-
nance activities and the supply department must
be maintained. Requisitions passed off-station are
not authorized before BCM action, except for
CRIPL items. All OSI/fixed allowance assets are
carried in purpose code W on the supply officers
records. Storage of fixed allowance assets is
authorized at any designated location within an
operating site.
The fixed allowance concept is designed to
guarantee equal distribution of repairable assets
and to ensure adequate levels of supply for
operating forces as outlined in NAVSUPINST
4440.16. Fixed allowances are established by the
retail operation division of the ASO with the
assistance of each appropriate ACC/TYCOM for
DLRs and FLRs (1RD COG) authorized for stock
at each operating site and are considered as part
of the activitys OSI.
Between periodic revisions of the allowance
authorization document, changes to the fried
allowance quantity, based on usage demand, may
be requested by the item manager, ACC/
TYCOM, or the operating site.
The allowance change request-fried (ACR-F)
is a means for the fleet to recommend a revision
to the authorized fixed allowance levels. An
ACR-F is submitted when the current allowance
quantity does not appear to be sufficient to
support the activitys present and continuing
mission. Fully justified ACR-FS are submitted on
NAVSUP Form 1375 for all 7R and 1RD
repairable. An ACR-F is not submitted for con-
sumable expense-type items.
The ACR is negotiated between the ASO and
the operating activity. The ASO should process
ACR-Fs within 15 working days from receipt or
provide an interim message pending disposition.
All unjustified requests are automatically dis-
approved and returned with an explanation.
ACR-F Procedures
All ships (CVs/LHAs/LPHs) and marine air-
craft groups (MAGs) submitting ACR-Fs to the
ASO must follow procedures for quantity com-
putations outlined in FASOINST 4441.15. All
shore-based operating site activities submitting
ACR-FS to the ASO must follow procedures for
quantity computations outlined in FASOINSTs
4441.16 and 4441.20.
All ACR-FS should be submitted to the
ASO by message with the ACC/TYCOM as an
information addressee on NAVSUP Form 1375