awaiting turn-in from customers, and the follow-
ing associated documents:
DD Form 1348Department of Defense
(DOD) Single Line Item Requisition
System Document (manual and mech-
DD Form 1348-1DOD Single Line Item
Release/Receipt Document
OPNAV Form 4790/60-VIDS/MAF
OPNAV Form 4790/28A-Scheduled
Removal Component (SRC) card
OPNAV Form 4790/106A-Assembly
Service Record (ASR)
OPNAV Form 4790/113Equipment
History Record (EHR)
OPNAV Form 4790/135-Modular Ser-
vice Record (MSR)
OPNAV Form 4790/29-Aeronautical
Equipment/Service Record (AESR)
Any document formatted for requisition-
ing purposes other than the DD Form 1348
Repair Cycle
Asset Storage Unit
The LRCA storage unit is responsible for the
receipt, storage, issue, and accountability of
repairable assets under the control of the SSC,
including the rotatable pool. The LRCAs are part
of an activitys repairable fixed allowance and are
generally stored in a location that hastens timely
IMA repair and return to the shelf in RFI
The rotatable pool portion of LRCAs is
located in an area that promotes efficient supply
support of aircraft maintenance; that is, rapid
issue to an organizational maintenance activity/
intermediate maintenance activity (OMA/IMA),
rather than storage or recordkeeping convenience.
Co-location of the rotatable pool with either IMA
production control or the IMA is the most
desirable arrangement.
The supply department prepares a list of
repairable items carried in the LRCA storage loca-
tions, with specific identification of rotatable pool
items. The list is then distributed to all aircraft
maintenance activities requiring supply support.
The list format includes the NSN, manufacturers
part number, CAGE code, WUC, family group
code, description, and LRCA item number in
various sequences adapted to the needs of the
maintenance activities.
Supply Screening Unit
The SSU is responsible for processing all items
returned from the IMA. The SSU prepares the
retrograde material for shipment to the DOP or
the designated support point (DSP) via the
advanced traceability and control (ATAC) pro-
gram within 2 workdays. When processing field
level repairable, refer to OPNAVINST 4790.2,
chapter 14.
Rapid movement of beyond capability of
maintenance (BCM) depot level repairable
(DLRs) into the DOP pipeline is required before
requisitioning replacements for stock or end use.
Where practical, items designated movement
priority designator 03 in the Master Repairable
Item List (MRIL) are retained awaiting shipment
no longer than one-half of a workday.
Under fixed allowance procedures, DLRs
must be certified BCM and prepared for shipment
to a DOP before a replacement can be requisi-
tioned for stock or end use (excluding CRIPL
items and ZA9 project code). Every section or unit
concerned with repairable must make sure BCM
DLRs are handled quickly.
Unserviceable DLRs retrograded to a HUB,
DSP, or DOP are assigned document numbers as
. NRFI returns as a result of an issue from
wholesale stock or Navy Stock Fund stores
account. The retrograde uses the document
number that appears in the exchange issue requisi-
tion; for example, the customers document
l NRFI returns as a result of an issue from
end use. The retrograde is returned citing the