materials to customers, providing status on all
requirements received, maintaining all aviation
PEBs, and expediting all high-priority requisi-
tions. Individual unit responsibilities of the SRS
are listed in the next paragraphs.
The RCU receives all requests for material
requirements, prepares appropriate documenta-
tion, maintains appropriate files and registers,
and provides status to the customer. All mate-
rial requests must include the following informa-
. Organizational code.
. Job control number (JCN). Requests for
material in support of technical directives
compliance (RECTYP 64) or initial issue (REC-
TYP 65) requires notification of the SSC. On
RECTYP 64 issues, the WUC may be omitted.
On RECTYPS 65,66, and 67 issues, the JCN and
the WUC may be omitted.
. Type equipment code (TEC).
. Bureau/serial number. Maybe omitted if
not applicable.
l Work unit code (WUC). Requests for
consumable materials that do not have a unique
WUC indicate the WUC of the subsystem on
which the consumable material is being in-
. CAGE code. This element contains the
engine TEC instead of the CAGE code when an
aircraft engine is requisitioned.
. Manufacturers part number.
. Quantity.
. Document number.
l Demand code.
. Delivery point.
. Fund code. May be omitted if not
l Project code. Can be found in NAVSUP
P-437 and NAVSUP P-485.
l Priority.
l Required delivery date. Maybe omitted if
not applicable.
l Advice code. Mandatory for repairable.
Technical Research Unit
The TRU is responsible for the verification of
requisition data such as part number, stock
number, references, and other technical data.
When applicable, a thorough technical research
is made for substitution, interchangeability, and
alternate national item identification numbers
(NIINs). When an NSN for requested material
cannot be identified, enter the manufacturers part
number in its place, CAGE code in block R and
99 in card columns 55 and 56. In addition, the
following data is required:
Document identifier (DI).
National stock number (NSN).
Unit of issue.
Cognizant symbol (COG). If COG 4V is
entered indicating an aircraft engine
request, block R must contain an engine
TEC instead of a CAGE code.
Advice code, Mandatory for repairable
items with NSN. If advice code not
available, obtain from requisitioner.
Purpose code.
Condition code. Not required for
SUADPS procedures.
Material control code (MCC). Like the
advice code, the MCC is mandatory for
repairable items with NSN.