ABRADE To scrape or rub off.
ACCUMULATOR An apparatus that collects and
stores energy.
ACRYLIC Designation of an acrylic resin product.
ACRYLIC RESIN Group of transparent, thermo-
plastic, polymeric resins used in making molded
plastics, paints, textile fibers, etc.
ACTUATOR A mechanism for moving or controlling
something indirectly.
ADDITIVES Substances added, in relatively small
amounts, to improve another substances physical
properties or performance.
ADHESION An action that causes one substance to
adhere to another.
AFCS Automatic Flight Control System.
AIMD Aircraft intermediate maintenance department.
AIRFOIL. A structure or body, such as an aircraft wing
or propeller blade, designed to provide lift/thrust
when in motion relative to the surrounding air.
ALCAD Trade name of an aluminum laminate
originated by the Aluminum Company of America.
ALIPHATIC Major group of organic compounds,
structured in open chains, including paraffins,
olefins, and acetylenes.
ALLOY A mixture with metallic properties composed
of two or more elements, of which at least one is a
AMBIENT Surrounding; adjacent to, next to. For
example, ambient conditions are physical
conditions of the immediate area, such as ambient
temperature, ambient humidity, ambient pressure,
ANHYDROUS Without water.
ANNEAL To heat and then cool.
ANNULAR Relating to or forming a ring.
ANNUNCIATOR Electrically controlled signal board
or indicator.
ANODIZE To subject a metal to electrolytic action, as
the anode of a cell, in order to coat it with a
protective film.
ANTIOXIDANTS A substance that opposes oxidation
or inhibits reactions promoted by oxygen or
APEX The uppermost point.
ASW Antisubmarine warfare.
ASYMMETRY Lack of symmetry.
AUTOROTATION The turning of the rotor of a
helicopter, with the resulting lift caused solely by
the aerodynamic forces induced by the motion of
the rotor along its flight path.
AXIAL Situated around, in the direction of, on or along
an axis.
BALLISTIC Relating to ballistics or to a body in
motion according to the laws of ballistics.
CANNIBALIZATION To take salvageable parts
from one machine for the use in repairing or
building another machine.
CARBONACEOUS Consisting of or containing
CATALYSTS A substance that initiates a chemical
reaction and enables it to proceed under different
conditions than otherwise possible.
CAVITATE To form cavities or bubbles.
CFA Cognizant field activity.
CHLORIDES A compound of chlorine with another
element or group.
CHROMATE A salt or ester of chromic acid.
CIRCUMFERENTIAL Perimeter of a circle.
CNO Chief of Naval Operations.
COGNIZANT Official observation of or authority
over something.
COMPENSATOR Any of various devices or circuits
used to correct or offset some disturbing action,
such as speed deviations in a moving system or
excessive current in a circuit.