KNURLED A series of small ridges or beads placed
along the edge of a metal object, such as a
thumbscrew, as an aid in gripping.
LAMINA A single ply of composite material, made up
of a reinforcing element and matrix (laminaeplural
of lamina).
LAMINATE A combination of two or more single
piles of laminae bonded together to form a structure.
sets the standard of identifying laminate
orientations within the composite industry.
MATRIX The essentially homogeneous material in
which the fibers of a composite are embedded and
MICROMETER CALIPER A caliper having a
spindle moved by a finely threaded screw for
making precise measurements.
MICRON A millionth of a meter or about 0.000039
MIM Maintenance Instruction Manual.
ML Milliliter.
MM Millimeter.
MRC Maintenance requirements card.
NADEP Naval aviation depot.
NAMP Naval Aviation Maintenance Program.
NAPI Naval Aeronautical Publication Index.
NAVAIR Naval Air Systems Command. Also known
NAVOSH Navy Occupational Safety and Health
NDI Nondestructive inspection.
NEOPRENE A synthetic rubber.
NONFERROUS Metals other then iron.
OPTIMUM The greatest degree attained or attainable
under implied or specified conditions.
OSCILLATION A flow of electricity changing
periodically from a maximum to a minimum. A
single swing from one extreme limit to the other.
OXIDATION The process by which oxygen unites
with some other substance, causing rust or
P/N Part number.
PERIMETER A line or strip protecting or bonding an
PMIC Periodic maintenance inspection card.
PNEUMATIC Moved or worked by air pressure.
POTENTIOMETER An instrument for controlling,
comparing, or measuring electrical potentials.
PPM Parts per million.
PSI Pounds per square inch.
RADIUS A line segment extending from the center of
a circle or sphere to the circumference or bounding
RPM Revolutions per minute.
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers.
SATURATION A state of maximum impregnation.
SERRATION A formation resembling the toothed
edge of a saw.
SILICA A hard, glassy, mineral found in a variety of
forms, as in quartz, sand, opals, etc.
SPHERICAL Having the form of a sphere or of one of
its segments.
SPLINE A key that is fixed to one of two connected
mechanical parts and fits into a keyway in the other.
TEFLON® A tough, insoluble polymer, used in
making nonsticking coatings and used on gaskets,
bearing electrical insulators, etc.
THERMOPLASTIC Capable of softening or fusing
when heated and of hardening again when cooled.
TOXIC Harmful, destructive, poisonous materials.
ULTRASONIC Having a frequency above the human
ears audibility limit.
VISCOSITY The internal resistance of a liquid that
tends to prevent it from flowing.
WARPAGE A distortion, such as a twist or bend, in
metal or an object made of metal.