CONCAVE Hollowed or rounded inward like the
inside of a bowl.
CONTAMINANTS Substances that contaminant
other substances.
CONVEX Curving outward like the surface of a
COUNTERSINK To set the head of a screw at or
below the surface.
CRES Comosion-resistant steel.
CRYSTALLINE Composed of crystals.
CYLINDRICAL Relating to or having the form or
properties of a cylinder.
DEAERATE To remove air or gas from.
DECONTAMINATE To rid of contamination.
DESICCANT A drying agent.
DETERIORATION The act or process of becoming
impaired in quality, functioning, or conditioning.
DYNAMIC SEAL Seal between two parts with
relative motion.
ELECTROHYDRAULIC A combination of electric
and hydraulic mechanisms.
ELONGATED Stretched out.
EMULSION A suspension of small globules of one
liquid in a second liquid with which the first will not
mix, such as milk fats in milk.
EPOXY A compound in which an oxygen atom is
joined to each of two attached atoms, usually
carbon. Designation of various thermosetting
resins, containing epoxy groups, that are blended
with other chemicals to form strong, hard,
chemically resistant substances, such as adhesives,
paints, etc.
ERRATIC Deviating from the normal, conventional,
or customary course.
EUTECTIC Mixture or alloy with a melting point
lower than that of any other combination of the same
EXTRUDED To push or force out, expel. To force
(metal, plastic, etc.) through a die or very small
holes to give it a certain shape.
FERROUS Substances containing iron.
FIBER A single strand of material that is rolled or
formed in one direction, and used as a principal
constituent in composite material because of its high
axial strength and modulus.
FUSIBLE Liquified by heat, easily melted.
GALLING Chafing.
GPM Gallons per minute.
HALOGEN Any of the five
elements fluorine, chlorine,
nonmetallic chemical
bromine, astatine, and
HELICAL Something spiral in shape.
HONEYCOMB A strong, lightweight, cellular struc-
tural material.
HP Horsepower.
HYDRAULICALLY Operated by the resistance
offered or by the pressure transmitted when a
quantity of liquid, such water or oil, is forced
through a small orifice or tube.
HYDROCARBON An organic compound containing
only carbon and hydrogen and often occurring in
petroleum, natural gas, coal and bitumens.
HYDROCHLORIC ACID A strong, highly corrosive
acid that is a water solution of the gas hydrogen
chloride, and is widely used in the processing of ore
and for cleaning metals.
HYDROLYZE To decompose a compound by split-
ting it into other compounds by taking up water.
IMBEDDED To make something an integral part of.
IMPREGNATED To furnish one substance with
some actuating or modifying substance that is
infused or introduced. An example is the nonwoven,
non- metallic, abrasive mats that are used for the
removal of corrosion products and paint scuffing
prior to painting. These abrasive mats are, in effect,
nylon webbing, impregnated with aluminum oxide.
INERT Lacking a usual or anticipated chemical or
biological action.
INHIBITOR An agent that slows or interferes with a
chemical reaction.
INTEGRAL FUEL CELL A structural configuration
in which a component of the aircraft serves as a fuel
KEVLAR® tough, light, aramid synthetic fiber used in
making bulletproof vests, boat hulls, airplane parts,