linkages system is shown in figure 9-16. Each
electric component is duplicated two to four times
throughout the system. Provisions are made to detect
a failed component or sensor and remove its influence
from the system.
These multiple redundant paths
ensure that a single failure has no effect, and multiple
failures have minimum effect on controls.
Despite the dual system design requirement for
flight control systems, a complete hydraulic system
failure is possible. System failure could be a result of
component or plumbing failure or as a result of
enemy-inflicted damage. The backup flight control
system, shown in figure 9-17, provides for an
additional measure of flight control safety. The
system activates whenever a partial or complete
hydraulic system failure occurs.
The complete backup flight control system is
mounted on a protective armor plating that measures
only 8 by 16 inches and is located close to the rudder
and stabilizer power packages. Flight and combined
Figure 9-17.Backup flight control hydraulic system.