Table 6-11.Tube Assembly Failures and Recommended Repair Methods
fine file, leaving no file marks, as shown in view C
Permaswage Fitting Repair
of figure 6-24.
Resurface the 37-degree sealing
The basic element of the Permaswage repair techni-
surface. A minimum distance of 1/16 inch (.063)
que is the Permaswage fitting, which is mechanically
should be maintained between the 37-degree
swaged onto the tube by a hydraulically operated tool.
sealing surface and the start of the first thread (view
Permaswage fittings are designed for use by all levels
E of fig. 6-24).
of maintenance, and are available in various configura-
tions. Tube assembly repair using Permaswage fittings
and techniques is considered permanent repair.
All reworked fittings should be inspected and
Four basic types of tube assembly failures lend
treated against corrosion. Reworked aluminum alloy
themselves to permanent repair using Permaswage
fittings and techniques. Each type of tube assembly
fittings should be anodized; however, uniform color
failure and its recommended repair is described in
of reworked fittings after anodizing is not necessary.
table 6-11.