Table 6-8.Prime and Paint for Tube Assemblies
Single tube with separate
Prime after forming, but
Tube assemblies in
connectors at each end.
before fabrication.
categories I, II and III
Tube assemblies consisting of
Prime after forming,
shall be painted after
fabrication and before
individual tubes permanently
follow by coating joints
joined by nonseparable
with MIL-S-8802 before
installation, except for
fittings such as those
assemblies in category III
assembled by brazing,
which have been partially
welding, and swaging and
having separable connectors
at each free end.
Single or multiple tube
Prime after forming,
Partially primed tube
assemblies as in I and II,
follow by coating joints
assemblies in category III
having one or more free ends
with MIL-S-8802 before
shall have additional
which must be subsequently
primer applied as required
joined permanently to another
followed by coating of all
tube assembly by brazing,
welding and swaging during
joints with MIL-S-8802
If primer is not compatible
before application of paint.
to permanent joining
process, prime tubing a
suitable distance away
from affected end.
Other tube assemblies not
The cognizant rework facility shall specify the required
described in I, II or III.
protective finishes.
*Tubing assemblies in categories I, II, and III in which sleeves or ferrules are used in the separable
connections and sleeves or ferrules are fixed in position by deforming one or more numbers, prime
up to but not beyond initial point of contact. Tubing for use with flared systems shall be primed to
the end of the tube.
Oxygen system tube assemblies require special
to be deposited in the tube assemblies.
precautions for cleaning. After fabrication, and
Oxygen reacts violently with oil and may
testing, clean oxygen tube assemblies in accordance
cause equipment damage and injury to
with MIL-STD-1359, using trichlorotrifluoroethane
personnel. Oxygen (BB-0-925) or clean,
(MIL-C-81302) in a spray gun or vapor degreaser. If
dry, water-pumped nitrogen (BB-N-411)
a vapor degreaser is not used, tube assemblies must
must be used in place of water-pumped air.
remain in the vapor degreaser until the temperature
Only MIL-C-81302 is approved for
specified in the manufacturing instructions is reached.
cleaning oxygen system tubing.
Tube assemblies must be blown clean and dried with
a stream of clean, dry, water-pumped air.
Tube assemblies that require paint as a protective
finish are described in table 6-8. Titanium or stainless
Oil-pumped air is not a suitable substitute
steel tubing does not require primer or paint except in
for water-pumped air because it causes oil
areas of dissimilar metals.
Primer or paint on