Conductivity is the property that enables a metal to
carry heat or electricity. The heat conductivity of a metal
is especially important in welding, because it governs
the amount of heat that will be required for proper
fusion. Conductivity of the metal, to a certain extent,
determines the type of jig to be used to control expansion
and contraction. In aircraft, electrical conductivity must
also be considered in conjunction with bonding, which
is used to eliminate radio interference. Metals vary in
their capacity to conduct heat. Copper, for instance, has
a relatively high rate of heat conductivity and is a good
electrical conductor.
Contraction and Expansion
Contraction and expansion are reactions produced
in metals as the result of heating or cooling. A high
degree of heat applied to a metal will cause it to expand
or become larger. Cooling hot metal will shrink or
contract it. Contraction and expansion affect the design
of welding jigs, castings, and tolerances necessary for
hot-rolled material.
The selection of proper materials is a primary
consideration in the development of an airframe and in
the proper maintenance and repair of aircraft. Keeping
in mind the general properties of metals, it is now
possible to consider the specific requirements that
metals must meet to be suitable for aircraft purposes.
Strength, weight, and reliability determine the
requirements to be met by any material used in airframe
construction and repair. Airframes must be strong and
as light in weight as possible. There are very definite
limits to which increases in strength can be accompanied
by increase in weight. An aircraft so heavy that it could
not support more than a few hundred pounds of
additional weight would be of little use. All metals, in
addition to having a good strength/weight ratio, must be
thoroughly reliable, thus minimizing the possibility of
dangerous and unexpected failures. In addition to these
general properties, the material selected for definite
application must possess specific qualities suitable for
the purpose. These specific qualities are discussed in the
following text.
The material must possess the strength required by
the demands of dimensions, weight, and use. There are
five basic stresses that metals may be required to
withstand. These are tension, compression, shear,
bending, and torsion. Each was discussed previously in
this chapter.
The relationship between the strength of a material
and its weight per cubic inch, expressed as a ratio, is
known as the strength/weight ratio. This ratio forms the
basis of comparing the desirability of various materials
for use in airframe construction and repair. Neither
strength nor weight alone can be used as a means of true
comparison. In some applications, such as the skin of
monocoque structures, thickness is more important than
strength; and in this instance, the material with the
lightest weight for a given thickness or gauge is best.
Thickness or bulk is necessary to prevent buckling or
damage caused by careless handling.
Corrosive Properties
Corrosion is the eating away or pitting of the surface
or the internal structure of metals. Because of the thin
sections and the safety factors used in aircraft design and
construction, it would be dangerous to select a material
subject to severe corrosion if it were not possible to
reduce or eliminate the hazard. Corrosion can be
reduced or prevented by using better grades of base
metals; by coating the surfaces with a thin coating of
paint, tin, chromium, or cadmium; or by an
electrochemical process called anodizing. Corrosion
control is discussed at length in Aviation Maintenance
Ratings Fundamentals, and it is not covered in detail in
this TRAMAN.
Working Properties
Another significant factor to consider in the
selection of metals for aircraft maintenance and repair
is the ability of material to be formed, bent, or machined
to required shapes. The hardening of metals by
cold-working or forming is called work hardening. If
a piece of metal is formed (shaped or bent) while cold,
it is said to be cold-worked. Practically all the work you
do on metal is cold-work. While this is convenient, it
causes the metal to become harder and more brittle.
If the metal is cold-worked too much (that is, if it is
bent back and forth or hammered at the same place too
often), it will crack or break. Usually, the more
malleable and ductile a metal is, the more cold-working
it can withstand.