and install the valve core. Then, reinflate the tire to
its maximum operation pressure. You should allow
the tire to remain at this pressure for a minimum of 10
minutes. At the end of this 10-minute period, there
should be no detectable pressure loss.
NOTE: Install only aircraft tire valve cores,
P/N TRC24 or C4, identified by a slot in the
head of the pin. See figure 11-25.
If no pressure loss is detected, the tire pressure is
reduced to 50 percent of the maximum operating
pressure or 100 psi, whichever is less. The tire and
wheel assembly is then removed from the safety cage,
a valve cap installed, and the assembly stored in a
rack, ready for issue.
If there is a significant pressure loss, the tire
pressure is reduced to 50 percent of the maximum
operating pressure or 100 psi, whichever is less.
Then, the assembly is removed from the safety cage
Figure 11-24.Inflation safety cage with aircraft tire
and the cause of the leak determined. If a slow leak is
detected, the air retention test should be extended to
Inflator/monitor attached.
Figure 11-25.Valve core identification.