10. After the beads are broken on divided (split)
wheels, remove the nuts and bolts while the wheel
assembly is mounted on the machine.
WHEELS.The tire bead should be broken away
from the wheel and the nuts and bolts removed
according to the bead-breaking procedure. If the tire
has a tube, remove the hex nut and push the valve
away from the seated position. This will prevent
damage to the inner tube valve attachment when you
break the tire bead loose. Then, remove the wheel
assembly from the tire. If the tire is tubeless, remove
the wheel seal carefully from the wheel half and place
it on a clean surface. Wheel seals in good condition
may be reused if replacement seals are not available.
If the tire has a tube, remove it. Inner tubes can be
reused if they are in good condition and less than 5
years old.
WHEELS.The tire bead should be broken away
from the wheel according to the bead-breaking
procedure. If the tire has a tube, you should remove
the hex nut and push the valve away from the seated
position. This will prevent damage to the inner tube
valve attachment when you break the bead.
If you have trouble removing the flange while the
wheel is mounted on the bead-breaking machine,
remove the tire from the machine. Lay the tire and
wheel assembly flat with the demountable flange side
up. Drive the remountable flange down by tapping it
with a rubber, plastic, or rawhide-faced mallet. This
should enable you to remove the locking ring.
Extreme care must be taken when you
break the beads loose and remove the
lockring on some remountable flange
wheels. The toe of the remountable flange
may extend very close to the tube valve
stem. Excessive travel of the remountable
flange or of the tire bead may damage the
rubber base of the inner tube valve.
If the tire is tubeless, remove the wheel seal
carefully and place it on a clean surface. Wheel seals
in satisfactory condition maybe reused if replacement
seals are not available. Turn the tire and wheel
assembly over and lift the wheel out of the tire.
Remember to keep the wheel flange and locking ring
together as a unit to avoid mismatch during
Prior to mounting a tire on a wheel, you should
inspect the tire and ensure the inside of the tire is free
of foreign materials.
The inner tube must be
inspected for bead chafing, thinning, folding, surface
checking, heat damage, fabric liner separation, valve
pad separation, damaged valves, leaks, and other
signs of deterioration.
All wheel halves should be matched by year and
month of manufacture as closely as possible. Wheel
assemblies received from overhaul that have
matching overhaul dates on both rims should be
maintained as matched assemblies. In the event a
wheel assembly is received or made up of wheel
halves having different overhaul dates, the wheel
overhaul should be based upon the earlier date. All
wheels shouId fit together easily.
When you mount a tube tire, dust the tube with
talcum powder and insert it in the tire. The tire should
be positioned so the balance marker on the tube
located next to the balance marker on the tire.
NOTE: The balance marker on an inner tube
is a stripe of contrasting colors approximately
1/2 inch wide and 2 inches long. It is located
on the valve side of the tube. The balance
mark on a tire is a red dot approximately
one-half inch in diameter. It is located on the
sidewall near the bead.
You should inflate the tube until it is round, and
then place the valve-hole half of the wheel into
position in the tire. Push the valve stem through the
hole. Finally, insert the other half of the wheel and
align the bolt holes.
NOTE: All bolts must be magnetic particle
inspected to ensure they are not defective.
Install four bolts, nuts, and washers 90 degrees
apart. Start the bolts by hand, and tighten them
evenly until the wheel halves seat. Install the
remaining bolts, nuts, and washers. Tighten the bolts
in a crisscross order to prevent distorting the wheel or
damaging the inserts. A pneumatic-powered impact
wrench may be used, provided the torque obtained
does not exceed 25 percent of the specified final