expel 14 slugs in a 360-degree pattern and spread
the main canopy. Should the spreading gun
cartridge fail to fire, continued tension on
the firing lanyard removes a piston-retain-
ing band. This frees the slugs from the
spreading-gun housing to allow conventional
canopy inflation.
During main canopy deployment, tension is
exerted on the pilot chute and main canopy by
the WORD bridle. Also, during this time, the
override and disconnect will secure the WORD
bridle to the parachute. If there is no tension on
the WORD bridle and the chute has over 10
pounds of drag, the override and disconnect will
function to jettison the drogue chute, drogue
bridle, WORD motor, and WORD bridle.
Seat/Man and Survival Kit Release
Sequencing Subsystem
The seat/man and survival kit release
sequencing subsystem has four functions. These
functions are described in the following
nel parachute inflates during the ejection
sequence, the parachute risers pull on the
seat/man release lanyards. The lanyards rotate the
seat pan release rod and fire the seat/man
separation initiator. Gas pressure from the
initiator then actuates the inertia reel strap
guillotine. Gas is also transmitted to the WORD
motor and drogue release assembly and parachute
container opener, but these devices will have
previously operated. Rotation of the seat release
shaft releases the seat pan with the attached
survival kit.
pilot can override any of the post-ejection
sequences by actuating the emergency release
control. When it is actuated, a mechanical linkage
fires the seat and man separation initiator. This
directs ballistic gas to the inertia reel strap
guillotine, which severs the two straps. With
the straps severed, the pilots upper torso
restraint is released. Ballistic gas also shuttles
the WORD motor, drogue release assembly,
and the parachute container opener assembly.
The personnel parachute assembly is then
deployed by the drogue or the WORD motor,
depending upon the airspeed at the time of manual
override initiation.
the emergency release control is pulled, it rotates
the seat release shaft and releases the seat pan with
attached survival gear from the seat. The control
also operates the linkage that fires the seat and
man separation initiator. Initiator gases actuate
the inertia reel strap guillotine, which severs the
straps that are sewn to the personnel parachute
risers. The pilot can then remove the shoulder
harness, stand, and exit from the aircraft without
parachute hang-up. As the pilot stands, the seat
pan moves unrestrained and personnel service
leads pull free from their connections. Also,
activation of the seat/man separation initiator
ballistically releases the WORD and drogue release
and parachute container opener.
safe and arm control in the UP position and
maintenance safety streamer safety pins installed,
you must pull the emergency release control to
remove the survival kit from the seat for replace-
ment or maintenance.
Survival Kit
The survival kit (fig. 6-43) is a post-ejec-
tion life support unit that also serves as a
structural portion of the ejection seat. There
are three distinct components in the kit: the
seat pan, survival package, and emergency oxygen
The seat pan, constructed of a honeycomb
core with aluminum alloy face sheets, performs
a dual function. First, it provides a base for
attaching post-ejection life support equipment.
Secondly, as the pilots seat in the aircraft, it
provides a structurally secure attachment for the
pilots lower torso restraint belts.
The survival package is attached to the seat
pan through a lanyard system. This allows the
package to fall free of the seat pan and still
remain near the pilot. Upon manual release, the
survival package falls approximately 12 feet. It
is then snubbbed by a lanyard, which inflates the
life raft. The package then falls 13 feet below the
raft. This stabilizes the raft during parachute
descent. The survival package contains a life raft,