Portions of the test are shown in figures 6-45 and
1. Install the initiation pull-test tool set.
Lower the emergency release handle and the
safe/arm control to the DOWN and LOCKED
position. Position the push-pull gauge against the
top of the emergency release handle and press
down on the latch. You should be able to retract
the latch with a maximum of 15 pounds of force.
2. Depress the locking latch and raise the
emergency release handle one-fourth inch. Attach
a push-pull gauge and lanyard to the emergency
release handle and pull up and aft. The handle
should rotate fully with a maximum force of 40
pounds. You should also notice that seat release
shaft rotation actuates the seat and man separa-
tion sear, and the pull-test tool extends to the
relaxed position. Check to see that the T-bar
blocks the firing control rotors, and the emergency
3. Lower the emergency release handle to the
full DOWN and LOCKED position. Watch the
seat and man separation sear return to the ARM
position and the T-bar disengage from the firing
control rotors.
4. Raise the safe/arm control to the full UP
and LOCKED position. Squeeze the emergency
release handle and slowly pull up and aft. Notice
that the connect and disconnect upper sear does
not move. Lower the emergency release handle
to the full DOWN and LOCKED position.
5. Grasp the emergency release handle and,
without squeezing the handle or releasing the lock-
ing latch, pull up on the handle. The handle
should not move.
6. Remove the clevis from the fork at the
connect and disconnect sear. Remove the top
screws and loosen the bottom screws on the
lanyard retainer assemblies. Rotate the retainers
release handle is locked in the UP position.
Figure 6-45.Emergency release handle assembly check-out.