Verify that the handle will extend not less than
0.75 inch from the handle stowed position.
Remove the spring scale and restow the handle
in the holder.
Power Inertia Reel
Place the inertia reel control lever in the
unlocked position. Extend the inertia reel straps,
ensuring that they extend and retract freely and
that the inertia reel action is smooth. Inspect the
straps for deterioration and fraying and replace
as required. With the inertia reel control handle
in the unlocked position, while extending the
straps, accelerate the motion sharply to simulate
3 gs. If the inertia reel does not lock, it must be
Place the control lever in the locked position
and allow the straps to retract into the reel.
ensure that random pull checks during rewind
allow no more than 2 inches of extension at any
Harness Release Actuator
With the blast shield removed from the rear
of the seat, inspect the harness release actuator
and attaching hardware for corrosion or damage.
With the harness release piston in the fully
extended position (fig. 6-17), measure from the
bottom of the actuator housing to the clevis
Figure 6-17.Harness release actuator adjustment.