Ensure that the face curtain screens convex
surface is facing upward. Feed the two screen
cables through their respective grommets in the
back wall of the curtain stowage compartment.
Fold the curtain into accordian pleats and stow
in the compartment. Snap the screen handle
plungers into their retainer detents, ensuring that
there is no fabric lodged between the plungers and
detents. Insert the screen cable ball ends into their
respective slots in the firing control disconnect
fitting. Ensure that the secondary ejection
control cable ball end (center one) is installed in
the disconnect fitting also. Rotate the top of the
fitting aft until the fitting is reset. With the screen
assembly pull test adapter and push-pull spring
scale in place, perform the ejection controls pull
test (fig. 6-16) on the face curtain by pulling for-
ward and downward on the face curtain handle
observing the force required to unseat the plungers
from their retainers detents. The force must be
30 ± 10 pounds. Fold and restow the face curtain.
Secondary Ejection Control
Attach push-pull spring scale to the secondary
ejection control handle and pull upward on the
scale. A force of 25 ± 2 pounds is required to
unseat the handle from the stowed detent position.
Figure 6-16.Ejection control pull test.