Figure 1-10.Work center 630 VIDS board.
Q33. At the I-level, what happens to a repairable
component for which parts have been ordered?
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify the forms
and documents used in the maintenance
administration section, their purpose, and use.
The Aviation 3-M Maintenance Data System
(MDS) provides a mechanized collection and
processing of statistical data. This is essential to the
management of resources. The maintenance worker
records most of this data on prescribed forms. As a
mechanic or technician, you will be required to initiate
or complete various forms. A brief description of some
of these forms and related data is given in the
following text. For more detailed instructions on
filling out these forms, refer to OPNAVINST 4790.2.
Personnel having responsibilities under NALCOMIS
should refer to the NALCOMIS Users Manual.
Accurate documentation is necessary. Each MDS
document that is not correct causes a loss of
effectiveness of the data and of the system in general.
The data must be accurate and complete because it has
Navy-wide application.
O- and I-level maintenance activities use the
VIDS/MAF, OPNAV 4790/60 (fig. 1-11), or
NALCOMIS to report on equipment maintenance
actions. They also use one of the two methods to
document the removal and processing of a repairable
component or item to AIMD. For the VIDS/MAF,
copies 1, 3, 4, and 5 of the form contain the same
information. Copy 2 is a tear-out that contains the
necessary data for material reporting. Copy 3 is
perforated along the fold line to make it easier to fold
the form for insertion in the VIDS board or to permit
removal of the top part of the form. Carbons separate
all of the copies so that the coded information carries
through to each copy of the form.
At the O-level of maintenance, copies of the
VIDS/MAF are used and distributed as follows:
Copy 1work center register, control, and processing
Copy 2QA suspense file copy
Copy 3maintenance control register
Copy 4aircraft discrepancy book (right side) copy
Copy 5work center MDR verification copy
At the I-level of maintenance, copies of the
VIDSMAF are used and distributed as follows: