Figure 1-4.O-level work center VIDS board.
(fig. 1-5) versus the personnel assignment (fig. 1-6)
number method. The personnel training insert is put
on the right side of the board to show the individuals
level of training on different systems. SE required by
the work center may be shown on the bottom pocket
NOTE: VIDS boards are not required to be set up
exactly as shown in this chapter. However, In Work,
Awaiting Maintenance (AWM), and Awaiting Parts
(AWP) must be visually shown.
There are two forms that are displayed on the
VIDS board. They show the status of a weapon system
or a repairable component.
FORM (OPNAV 4790/60). This form documents
maintenance actions involving failed material.
2. SIGNAL TABS. Different color signal tabs
show special priorities, conditions, or requirements.
Signal tabs provide information necessary for the
assignment of work and overall production. Some of the
specific uses of signal tabs are shown below.
Red. Not Mission Capable Supply (NMCS).
Blue. Partial Mission Capable Supply (PMCS).
Yellow. SE down.