LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Define the purpose
of the Naval Aviation Logistics Command
Management Information System
NALCOMIS provides OMA, IMA, and aviation
supply department (ASD) activities with a modern,
real time, responsive, computer-based management
information system. This automation helps us do our
jobs better and more efficiently by reducing
paperwork. NALCOMIS is not available at all
aviation commands. If your command has not yet
implemented NALCOMIS, then VIDS/MAFs will
still be the means of performing and tracking
maintenance. There are three basic objectives of
To increase aircraft readiness by providing
focal maintenance and supply managers with
timely and accurate information required in their
day-to-day management and decision-making
To reduce the administrative burden of the fleet
To improve the quality of up-line reported data
Figure 1-3 shows a NALCOMIS generated repair
document. The information offered and data fields are
the same as a VIDS/MAF; however, Conversation
codes are used to input information. OPNAVINST
4790.2. Vol III, offers more detailed information on
the NALCOMIS system.
NOTE: NALCOMIS specific documentation
procedures, input formats, and output formats are
contained in the NALCOMIS End User Manuals for
OMA, System Administrator (SA) Manual for OMA,
Security Feature Users Guide for OMA, NALCOMIS
IMA Desk Top Reference Guides, and the NALCOMIS
IMA Users Manual.
Q33. What is the purpose of NALCOMlS?
Q35. What are the three basic objectives of
Q36. If an I- or O-level activity does not yet operate
under NALCOMIS, under what system do they
document their maintenance?
purpose of the Visual Information Display
System board in aircraft maintenance. Identify
the flow of a Visual Information Display
(VIDS/MAF) at the organizational and
intermediate levels of maintenance.
All maintenance managers have the responsibility
to manage their resources efficiently. To do this, they
must maintain control of the different elements within
their area of responsibility. Effective control depends
upon the availability of status information on these
elements. The VIDS provides this information.
Communication between maintenance control, work
centers, and material control is important to make sure
the VIDS operation is successful. To record this
communication, we use VIDS boards and VIDS forms,
which are discussed in the following paragraphs.
In the work center, the VIDS board is set up like
the VIDS board shown in figure 1-4. This is a
25-pocket board. Most work centers can show all the
necessary information on a board of this size.
However, the number of aircraft and systems
determines the number and size of boards that a work
center needs. If work is shown by personnel
assignment, the number of people assigned determines
the size and number of VIDS boards used in the work
center. The work centers should verify their VIDS
boards with the maintenance control VIDS board at
least once a day.
Q37. What element is important to ensure successful
operation of the Visual Information Display
System (VIDS)?
Q38. With regard to the VIDS board, what action
should take place with maintenance control on a
daily basis?
Information Displayed
Some of the types of information that can be
shown on the VIDS board include personal history and
information cards, personnel training inserts, and SE
required by the work center. The personal history and
information cards are placed in the far left-hand side
of the board, if the work center is using the bureau/side