At this time, all necessary actions should have
been made on the VIDS/MAF. The completed copy 5
is filed in a temporary file in the work center.
When the supervisor signs the VIDS/MAF, it
means that the maintenance action is complete, that
tool control inventories have been conducted at the
proper intervals, that QA measures have been met, and
that the documentation is complete and correct.
Copy 1 of the completed VIDS/MAF is forwarded
to maintenance control. After verification of the work
centers copy 5 with the VIDS/MAF copy 1 Daily
Audit Report, copy 5 is maintained or destroyed, as
required by local command policy.
Q39. Upon initiation of a VIDS/MAF at the
organizational level, which copies are
forwarded to the work center?
Q40. What must be done if a maintenance action
results in the requirement of a check flight?
Upon the completion of a maintenance action
and when the VIDS/MAF is completed, which
copy is forwarded to maintenance control?
A visual display of all current weapons systems or
repairable component status is as necessary at the
I-level of maintenance as it was at the O-level of
maintenance. The VIDS/MAF flow for the I-level is
shown in figure 1-8. The same forms are used at this
levelVIDS/MAF and signal tabs.
Information Displayed
VIDS/MAFs are used at the I-level of maintenance
in the same way that they are used at the O-level of
maintenance. The VIDS/MAF is used to report
maintenance repair actions. The signal tabs are used in
much the same way at I- and O-level maintenance, but
with the following differences:
Orange. Bench/equipment inoperable
Yellow. Bench/equipment partially capable
Green. Local Repair Cycle Asset (LRCA) at low
Blue. LRCA at zero level (critical)
Red. Expeditious repair
Figure 1-8.I-level maintenance VIDS/MAF document flow chart.