A29. a. QA audits.
b. CTPL.
c. Department/division safety.
e. SE misuse/abuse.
f. Aviation gas free engineering (AVGFE).
A30. Work center audits and special audits.
A31. The cognizant division.
A32. One year.
A33. NAMP, OPNAVINST 4790.2.
A34. Conduct maintenance department safety meetings.
A35. The NAMDRP is a method for reporting hazardous deficiencies in material,
publications, substandard workmanship, and improper Q/A procedures.
Quality assurance division.
A37. All Hands.
A38. Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS)
A39. Within 24 hours of discovery.
A40. TFOA (Things falling off aircraft).
A41. Disassembly and inspection, material analysis, and engineering assistance.
A42. Quality deficiency report (QDR).
A43. Within 30 days after completion of the check flight.
A44. The report is forwarded to the organization that has IMRL reporting
responsibility for the item abused.