When environmental issues force material or
process changes that conflict with existing publications
or TDs.
When directed by higher authority.
Submit the EI request by routine precedence
message within 5 working days after discovery of the
deficiency unless combined with the HMR, in which
case the combined report is to follow HMR reporting
criteria. The supporting supply department and the
CFA supply department are information addressees on
the EI message.
report provides maintenance activities with a method
for reporting deficiencies in new or newly reworked
material. Unless the materials are under warranty,
failures must have occurred at zero operating time,
during initial installation, operation, test, check,
turnup, or first flight. It differs from the EI program in
that it reports on possible deficiencies in quality
assurance during the manufacturing or rework
process. The goal is to improve the quality of work
done by naval aviation depots (NAVAVNDEPOTs),
contractors, and subcontractors returning reworked
material to supply stock.
There are two types of QDRs.
CAT I. A quality deficiency which will, or may,
affect safety of personnel, impair the combat efficiency
of an individual or organization, or jeopardize mission
CAT II. All quality deficiencies that are assessed
to have significant and widespread material or human
resource impact and do not affect the conditions of a
CAT I QDRs are reported by routine precedence
message within 1 working day after the discovery of
the deficiency unless combined with an HMR. A
combined HMR CAT I QDR follows HMR reporting
CAT II QDRs are submitted on an SF 368 to the
CFA within 5 working days of the discovered
REPORT.This report applies when a technical
publication deficiency is detected that, if not
corrected, could result in death or injury to personnel,
or damage to or loss of aircraft, equipment, or
facilities. The action addressees for the message report
is NAVAIRTECHSERVFAC and the CFA for the
aircraft weapons system or item being reported. If the
CFA for the weapons systems or material cannot be
determined, the action addressee is NAVAIR-
TECHSERVFAC. This report is a CAT I TPDR and
must be submitted within 24 hours of the discovered
A CAT II TPDR is a simplified procedure for
reporting technical publication deficiencies.
Publication deficiencies include technical errors,
wrong measurement values, incorrect use of support
equipment, wrong sequence of adjustments, part
number errors or omissions, and microfilm
deficiencies, such as poor film quality.
Technical publications include MRCs, checklists,
Work Unit Code (WUC) manuals, MIMs, illustrated
parts breakdowns (IPBs), and other technical manuals.
The TPDR program does not apply when deficiencies
in instructions or notices are reported. Submit
improvement procedures that do not result from
incorrect information contained in the publication but
are recommendations by letter to NAVAIR-
ADR is a method for reporting defects discovered in
newly manufactured, modified, or reworked aircraft
that require immediate attention to ensure acceptable
standards of quality in aircraft maintenance and
rework procedures. The cognizant defense plant
representative office, administrative contracting
office, or NAVAVNDEPOT will enclose sufficient
copies of the ADR form (Standard Form 368) with
envelopes preaddressed, in each aircraft logbook for
delivery with the aircraft. Additionally, they ensure
that a copy of the previous reporting custodians work
request is furnished to the ferry pilot and functional
wing. Naval Aviation Depot Operations Center
(NAVAVNDEPOTOPSCEN) is the ADR screening
point on aircraft commercially reworked under the
procuring contract office.
An acceptance inspection is performed and a
functional check flight flown as soon as possible after
the aircraft is delivered and prior to maintenance
(other than required to complete the acceptance
inspection) or further flight. Only those discrepancies
noted by the ferry pilot or crew and those found during
the acceptance inspection and check flight are
In reporting the initial acceptance of an aircraft,
use "Initial Acceptance Inspection of Aircraft" as the
subject of the Standard Form 368. Submit this initial