identify the inspector, are used in place of signatures
to certify completion of inspections on maintenance
documents and in place of initials where use of initials
is specifically authorized. The QA division closely
controls these stamps. Once a QA stamp is turned in
by an inspector, either due to transfer or loss of
qualifications, it may not be reassigned within a period
of 3 months.
Who has the responsibility to review MDRs,
NALCOMIS reports, and VIDS/MAFS to
determine discrepancy trends and specific
problem areas?
Under normal circumstances, what paygrade is
usually assigned as a QAR?
How long may a CDQAR be assigned to a work
center without having to notify the aircraft
controlling custodian?
When may a CDI inspect his own work and sign
as inspector?
When a deployment period is more than 90 days
and all requirements for assigning QA personnel
have been met by the detachment, who may
designate QA personnel?
What is used to annotate an inspection on a
VIDS/MAF in place of a signature at an AIMD?
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify the types
of quality assurance inspections.
QA inspections are essential elements of an
effective QA program. To comply with assigned
responsibilities, QA personnel perform the following
QA inspections:
Mandatory QA inspections specified in
maintenance instruction manuals (MIMs), TDs, and
local MIs.
Those inspections required to be conducted by
QA personnel during and/or upon the completion of a
maintenance action.
QA maintenance requirements cards (MRCs)
provided for all maintenance tasks that, if improperly
performed, could cause equipment failure or jeopardize
the safety of personnel. The "QA" appearing on MRCs
signifies that a QA function is required. Local
commands must determine and designate, in writing, by
annotating the master and the work center decks,
whether a QAR, CDQAR, or CDI performs the QA
functions listed in the MRCs. QA inspections are
performed during or after task performance.
If the proper performance of a task cannot be
determined after the task is completed, a QA inspection
is required while the task is being performed. Work
cannot proceed past the inspection point indicated on
the task MRC without the approval of the inspector.
For these inspections, the notation "QA Required"
appears on the MRC containing the task. If the proper
performance of a task can be determined by a visual
inspection after the task was completed, a QA
inspection is required after task completion.
Each work center sets up procedures to ensure that
the QA inspection requirements are complied with
during all maintenance evolutions. With these
procedures developed, inspections normally fall into
one of the three following inspection areas.
TIONS. These inspections apply to material,
components, parts, equipment, logs and records, and
documents. CDIs normally conduct these inspections to
determine the condition of material, proper
identification, maintenance requirements, disposition,
and accuracy of accompanying records and documents.
inspections are specific QA functions that are required
during the performance of maintenance requirements
and actions when satisfactory task performance cannot
be determined after the task has been completed. When
designated, these inspections include witnessing
application of torque, functional testing, adjusting,
assembling, servicing, installation, and similar tasks.
FINAL INSPECTIONS. These inspections
comprise specific QA functions performed following
the completion of a task or series of tasks. QA inspection
of work areas following task accomplishment by several
different personnel is an example of a final inspection.
In-process and Final Inspections
CDIs normally conduct these inspections;
however, QARs and CDQARs must conduct
in-process and final inspections of all tasks that require
the aircraft to have a functional check flight (FCF) in
an O-level maintenance activity. QARs and CDQARs
also must perform inspections of maintenance tasks
involving egress systems, personnel parachutes, and
flotation devices when the affected mechanism or
function of that equipment is not reinspected or