are, in most activities, supplemented by designated
CDIs. The QARs perform the following functions:
Review incoming technical publications and
directives to determine their application to the
maintenance department.
Assist in the certification of production
Participate as members of technical task forces
to investigate trouble areas and recommend corrective
Ensure QA objectives and requirements are
defined during MI preparation (until completely under
Review qualifications of personnel nominated to
become CDIs or CDQARs, and provide
recommendations as appropriate.
Investigate Hazard Reports (HRs), as defined in
OPNAVINST 3750.6 (series), applicable to the unit that
are received from other activities. Assist in the
preparation of NAMDRP reports. Review all report
entries for adequacy and correctness before distribution.
Provide technical assistance to CDIs and
production personnel. Periodically accompany CDIs on
assigned inspections and evaluate their performance.
Review MDRs, NALCOMIS reports,
Maintenance Action Forms (MAFs), NAMDRP
reports, and HRs to determine discrepancy trends and
specific problem areas in areas of responsibility.
Upon completion of tasks that require
certification by QARs, conduct final inspections.
Monitor the calibration or certification status of
equipment, tools, and personnel used in each work
Coordinate with the analyst in the development
of discrepancy trends and such charts and graphs that
are necessary to depict quality performance.
Maintain liaison with contractors via the COR
NAESU, NAVAVNMAINTOFF, cognizant field
activities (CFAs), and other available field technical
services. Establish and maintain liaison with other
maintenance and rework activities to obtain information
for improving maintenance techniques, quality of
workmanship, and QA procedures.
Develop checklists for auditing work centers,
specific maintenance programs, and processes that
require monitoring by QA.
If flight control malfunctions occur, comply with
the applicable type/model/series conditional
maintenance requirements cards.
Perform QA inspections, ensuring each
inspection includes an examination of the work area for
sources of potential FOD. Ensure contractor and field
maintenance teams are briefed about the FOD
Prevention Program requirements and reporting
Quality Assurance Representative
All personnel considered for selection as a QAR
should possess the following qualifications:
Senior in grade and experience. This means a
petty officer (E-6 or above) with a well-rounded
maintenance background. Unusual circumstances may
temporarily require the use of other than E-6 or above
personnel. Under such circumstances, the most
experienced personnel available, as determined by the
AMO, may be temporarily designated as a QAR.
Fully developed skills and experience related to
the technical-fields under their cognizance.
The ability to research, read, and interpret
drawings, technical manuals, and directives.
The ability to write with clarity and technical
Stability and excellence in performance.
The motivation and personal desire to develop
greater knowledge of his or her technical specialty.
An observant, alert, and inquiring nature.
The ability to work with others.
Billet descriptions are prepared for QA division
personnel to ensure that all QA functions and
responsibilities, covered in the Naval Aviation
Maintenance Program (NAMP), are assigned.
When CDQARs are assigned to work centers or
production divisions, they function in the same
capacity as QARs and must meet the same minimum
qualification requirements as their QA division
counterparts. When CDQARs are assigned to work
centers or production divisions because of temporary
shortages of skills, and these shortages have not been