alleviated within 90 days, a letter must be submitted
to the aircraft controlling custodian (ACC), through
the chain of command, advising of the personnel
problems, action taken, and intent to continue the
assignments. ACCs will take action to authorize
activities to continue or to curtail the assignment. The
letter will contain name, rate, Navy enlisted
classification (NEC), and functional area.
Permanent CDQARs may be assigned to
organizational maintenance activities that have
minimal ordnance delivery in their assigned mission,
and where manning the armament billet would not be
justified. An organizational activity may also
a permanent aircrew personal
protective/survival equipment CDQAR and an
egress/environmental systems CDQAR when the
activitys aircraft are not equipped with ejection seats.
Permanent CDQARs also may be designated to
supplement multiple work shifts or detachments,
provided QA division billets are fully manned.
Permanent CDQARs may also be assigned when the
activity maintains four or less aircraft and is organized
according to guidelines set forth in the NAMP.
The CDIs assigned to the production or
maintenance training unit (MTU) work centers inspect
all work and comply with the required QA inspections
during all maintenance actions performed by their
respective work centers. They are responsible to the
QA officer when performing these functions. CDIs
spot check all work in progress. This requires them to
be familiar with the provisions and responsibilities of
the programs that QA manages and monitors.
The QA division establishes minimum
qualifications for personnel selected for CDI. Division
officers are responsible for ensuring that sufficient
qualified personnel are nominated for CDI to comply
with QA inspections required during all maintenance
actions. Due to the importance and responsibility of
duties performed by CDIs, division officers and work
center supervisors must carefully screen all candidates
for these assignments. CDIs must demonstrate their
knowledge and experience on the particular type of
equipment by successfully passing a locally prepared
written test administered by the QA division. In
addition, a locally prepared oral or practical
examination may be administered. When a CDI is
transferred from a production work center, his or her
designation as a CDI for that work center remains valid
for only as long as his or her qualifications are current,
as judged by the cognizant division officer.
NOTE: A CDI will NOT inspect his or her own
work and sign as inspector.
The QA officer ensures that personnel assigned to
perform QA functions receive continuous training in
inspecting, testing, and quality control methods
specifically applicable to their area of assignment. The
QA officer also ensures that QARs receive cross
training to perform those QA functions not in their
assigned area. This training should include local
training courses, on-the-job training (OJT), rotation of
assignments, personnel qualifications standards
(PQS), and formal schools. According to
OPNAVINST 4790.2, QARs should attend a Fleet
Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group
Detachment QA course.
Division officers are responsible for establishing
and maintaining training programs for production
personnel involved with QA functions. This
responsibility includes training in troubleshooting,
testing, and inspection techniques; ensuring that
operations requiring certified operators are
accomplished; and that steps are taken to qualify and
certify affected personnel.
QARs, CDQARs, and CDIs must be designated in
writing by the AMO. The only deviation authorized
allows the officer in charge (OIC) of a detachment to
designate QA personnel provided (1) the deployment
period is more than 90 days, and (2) all procedures and
requirements for designating QA personnel are
accomplished by the detachment. See figure 6-1 for a
sample of a Quality Assurance Representative/
Inspector Recommendation/Designation form.
QA stamps may be used in place of a signature.
They are required in an intermediate maintenance
activity/aircraft intermediate maintenance department
(IMA/AIMD), but are optional at organizational-level
maintenance. In an IMA/AIMD, all QARs, CDQARs,
and CDIs receive QA stamps.
At the organizational level, QA stamps are to be
used by QARs and CDQARs only. These
open-purchased, numbered, impression stamps, which