these audits quarterly to evaluate the overall quality
performance of each work center. As a minimum, QA
evaluates the following items:
Personnel and skills
Technical publications
Compliance with NAMP programs and MIs (or
Adherence to directives, procedures,
inspections, and applicable end-to-end testing
Adequacy and availability of written process,
test, and inspection procedures
Availability, calibration status, and proper use of
test and measuring devices
Accuracy and proper use of the Maintenance
Data System (MDS)
Certification of personnel performing special
processes, such as nondestructive inspection
(NDI) and welding
Designation of plane captains, if applicable
Licensing of personnel for taxi, turnup, and
operation of SE
Handling, packaging, protection, and storage of
aeronautical material
Cleanliness and condition of working spaces
Compliance with fire and safety regulations
Configuration of aircraft, components, and SE
Accuracy of equipment logs and records
Material condition of aircraft and SE
Validation of VIDS boards and VIDS operating
procedures if operating using VIDS. If operating
NALCOMIS OMA, review and verify newly
initiated. MAFs by using the work center
workload report; if NALCOMIS IMA,
validation of current job status
Compliance with the FOD prevention program
Industrial Radiation Safety Program
SPECIAL AUDITS.In addition to scheduled
work center audits, QA conducts special audits to
evaluate specific maintenance tasks, processes,
procedures, and programs. These audits provide a
systematic, coordinated method of investigating
known deficiencies, evaluating the quality of
workmanship, and determining the adequacy of and
adherence to technical publications and instructions.
QA uses special audits to monitor maintenance
programs and processes specifically assigned to QA
for monitoring. In addition, QA conducts special
audits of periodic inspections, testing, and servicing of
aircraft by organizational maintenance activities. The
QA officer normally directs special audits.
Quality assurance develops audit forms with
checklists for each work center. The QA division also
prepares an audit MI and includes the audit checklists
as enclosures to the MI.
Upon completion of an audit, QA reviews the
findings with the work centers involved. QA submits
a report of the findings, with recommendations when
required, to the AMO with a copy to the cognizant
division(s). Records of audits are maintained for 1
year. Follow-up procedures ensure that discrepancies
found during a QA audit are resolved in a timely
Maintenance Department or
Division Safety
The QA division is assigned the overall
responsibility for the maintenance department safety.
The intent of this program is to assist in the
coordination of the total safety effort.
The maintenance department safety program helps
to identify and eliminate hazards. Effectiveness and
safety result when properly trained personnel use
properly designed equipment and follow procedures
under competent supervision. It is an all hands effort.
Any safety effort must address aviation and
industrial safety. OPNAVINST 3750.6 contains the
instructions for maintenance personnel participation
in command aviation safety programs. It also contains
the instructions for investigating and reporting naval
aviation hazards that are not reportable under the
NAMP. Even though OPNAVINST 3750.6 calls for
specific reports, you still have to follow reporting
procedures called for in the NAMP.
Other references you may use in relation to
maintenance department safety are as follows:
Navy Occupational Safety and Health Programs
for Forces Afloat, OPNAVINST 5100.19, which
contains safety precautions to be followed while aboard
Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.
S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32, which contains the
standards for organizing a ship/station/squadrons