Changes or corrections to the Naval Air Trainingand Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS)manuals or tactical manuals are reported by usingprocedures found in OPNAVINST 3710.7 andNAVAIRINST 3710.10 using OPNAV 3710/6.Deficiencies resulting from incorrectpreservation, packaging, marking and/or handling(when reported by supply activities) or deficiencies inshipment that are the result of overage, shortage, expiredshelf life, or misidentified material are reportedaccording to instructions found in NAVSUPINST4440.179.Locally procured material found to be deficientby the procuring activity is reported according toinstructions contained in NAVSUPINST 4440.189.Deficiencies in letter-type instructions andnotices are reported by letter to the sponsor.Discrepancies in OPNAVINST 4790.2 are reported bynaval letter to Naval Aviation Maintenance Office(NAMO) (Code 46), via the chain of command.Incorrect source, maintenance, and recover-ability (SM&R) codes are reported according toNAVAIRINST 4423.11.Recommendations for improvements inprocedures that do not result from incorrect informationcontained in publications are reported by letter to NavalAir Technical Services Facility (NAVAIRTECH-SERVFAC).Explosive incidents, dangerous defects, andmalfunctions or failures involving explosive systems,launch devices, and armament weapons supportequipment are reported under OPNAVINST 8600.2 asan Explosive Mishap Report (EMR) or a ConventionalOrdnance Deficiency Report (CODR). These reportsstill fall under the NAMDRP for accounting andmonitoring purposes.A brief description of each of the programs of theNAMDRP is contained in the following paragraphs.HAZARDOUS MATERIAL REPORT.—Thisreport provides a standard method for reportingmaterial deficiencies that, if not corrected, could resultin death or injury to personnel, or damage to or loss ofaircraft, equipment, or facilities. Report such incidentsregardless of how or when the discrepant conditionwas detected. Submit an HMR priority precedencemessage within 24 hours of discovery under one ormore of the following conditions:Malfunction or failure of a component that, if notcorrected, could result in death or injury to personnel,or damage to or loss of aircraft, equipment, or facilities.In case of a naval aircraft mishap, as defined inOPNAVINST 3750.6, submit required reportsaccording to that instruction. The submission of reportsrequired by OPNAVINST 3750.6 does not eliminateany of the requirements for submission of reportsrequired by the NAMP.A configuration deficiency discovered inaeronautical equipment (aircraft, SE, components, etc.)that constitutes a safety hazard.An urgent action or assistance required and acorrective action completed at an early date because ofan operational requirement.A system malfunction or failure may occurbecause of a part design, which might allow the part tobe installed improperly.A potential or experienced in-flight oron-the-ground loss of aircraft parts in whichmaintenance or material factors are involved. Use theterm things falling off aircraft (TFOA) when referringto such incidents. TFOA includes incidents generallycategorized in other areas, such as a foreign objectdamaged engine, which sheds parts, or a helicopter rotorblade pocket failure.ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION.—EIsapply to all aircraft and weapons systems, theirsubsystems, equipment, components, related SE,special tools, fluids, and materials used in operatingthe equipment. The three types of EIs are (1)disassembly and inspection, (2) material analysis, and(3) engineering assistance.Submit EI requests under one or more of thefollowing conditions:Safety is involved. This includes EI requestsprepared in conjunction with aircraft mishaps, andHMRs when it is evident that an unsafe condition exists.Additional technical or engineering informationis required to complete an aircraft mishap investigation.Aircraft readiness is seriously impaired due topoor material reliability (including SE).A component is rejected through the Joint OilAnalysis Program (JOAP) after authorized repairs areattempted and exhausted at the O and I levels ofmaintenance.6-17
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