report within 5 working days of the acceptance check
flight. A supplemental report, if needed, must be
The division of the individual originating the
submitted not later than 30 days after completion of
report retains a copy of the SE Misuse/Abuse report.
the check flight.
The report is sent to the organization that has
Individual Material Readiness List (IMRL) reporting
Support Equipment Misuse/Abuse
SE Misuse/Abuse forms can be submitted by
anyone witnessing misuse or abuse (fig. 6-2).
responsibility for the SE. A copy of the report is sent
to the CO of the command to which the offender is
attached and/or the CO of the command that held
custody of the item where the misuse or abuse occurred
for appropriate action. As a minimum, the QA division
Figure 6-2.SE Misuse/Abuse Form (OPNAV 4790/108).