of the command receiving the report conducts an
investigation. Also, QA performs an analysis to
provide appropriate recommendations for corrective
Aviation Gas Free Engineering
The purpose of the AVGFE program is to ensure
a safe environment when aeronautical fuel systems are
worked on. NAVAIR 01-1A-35 outlines requirements
for the AVGFE program. Technicians certified under
the AVGFE program must be qualified QARs or
CDQARs and have graduated from an approved
AVGFE program course. O-level activities normally
provide their own AVGFE technicians; however,
those activities with less than three gas free
engineering (GFE) requirements in a 6-month period
may request the services of the supporting I-level
AVGFE technician.
What is the Naval Aviation Maintenance
Discrepancy Reporting Program?
What division assists the aviation safety officer
in reviewing all correspondence about aircraft,
ground, flight, or flight-related mishaps and
explosive mishaps?
Who has the responsibility to be alert for safety
related defects or discrepancies?
OPNAVINST 3710.7 contains procedures to
report discrepancies in what type of publication?
If a system failure or malfunction occurs because
of a part design, which could allow improper
installation of the part, an HMR priority
precedence message must be submitted within
what time frame?
What term should be used in conjunction with an
HMR when an aircraft part is lost in flight?
What are the three types of engineering
investigations (Els)?
What type of report provides activities with a
means of reporting deficiencies in new or newly
reworked material?
How long does the accepting activity have to
submit a supplemental ADR?
Where is the original misuse/abuse report sent?
The QA division monitoring includes the
continuous collection and distribution to cognizant
personnel of all messages, letters, instructions, and
other information concerning the programs or
processes being monitored.
The QA division does not manage any of these
programs and processes. However, they are
responsible for overall surveillance of these programs
and processes to identify problems and to verify
compliance. Audits are one of the tools used in
monitoring these programs and processes. QA gives
continuous attention to program performance. They
prepare checklists that describe the specific functions
needed to effectively monitor each assigned program
and process. These checklists are the same for O- and
I-level maintenance with a few exceptions.
QA monitors the programs and processes listed
Fuel surveillance
Joint Oil Analysis Program (JOAP)
Aviators breathing oxygen (ABO)
Hydraulic contamination control
SE Operator Training/Licensing and SE Planned
Maintenance Systems (PMS)
SE testing
Nondestructive inspection (NDI)
Tool Control Program
Corrosion prevention and control
Plane captain qualification
Tire and Wheel Maintenance Safety
Individual Component Repair List (ICRL)
Egress system checkout
Explosives Handling Personnel Qualification
and Certification Program
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Control/
Prevention Program
Miniature/microminiature (2M)
Laser hazard control