Q11. What are the three factors that ensure the
achievement of quality assurance?
Q12. State the definition of a Q/A audit.
What does the frame of mind of all personnel
assigned to a department determine?
Q14. When must the production supervisor assign a
collateral duty inspector to a task?
quality assurance divisions responsibilities
and its organization.
The quality assurance responsibilities assigned to
the QA division include the following:
Maintain the central technical publications
library for the department, including technical
directives (TDs). Control classified technical
publications for the department. Ensure that each
division or branch receives all publications applicable
to its respective work areas and that these are kept
current and complete.
Establish qualification requirements for quality
assurance representatives (QARs), collateral duty
quality assurance representatives (CDQARs), and
collateral duty inspectors (CDIs). Review the
qualifications of personnel nominated for these
positions, and endorse these nominations to the
department head.
Periodically accompany CDIs during scheduled
and unscheduled maintenance tasks to observe their
Ensure that all work guides, checklists, check
sheets, maintenance requirements cards, etc., used to
define or control maintenance operations are complete
and current before they are issued to crews or
Review all engineering investigation (EI)
requests, quality deficiency reports (QDRs), technical
publications deficiency reports (TPDRs), hazardous
material reports (HMRs), hazard reports (HRs), and
aircraft discrepancy reports (ADRs) to ensure that they
are accurate, clear, concise, and comprehensive before
Monitor inspections of precision measuring
equipment (PME) to ensure compliance with calibration
intervals and safety instructions.
Perform inspections of all maintenance
equipment and facilities to ensure compliance with fire
and safety regulations; that satisfactory environmental
conditions exist; that equipment operators and drivers
are properly trained, qualified, and licensed; and that
equipment is maintained in a safe operating condition.
Provide a continuous training program in
techniques and procedures pertaining to the conduct of
inspections. When directed or required, provide a
technical task force to study trouble areas and submit
recommendations for corrective action.
Use information from the maintenance data
reports (MDRs) and NALCOMIS reports to develop
discrepancy trends, and to identify failure areas or other
maintenance problems.
Review source documents and periodic
inspection records, and note recurring discrepancies that
require special actions.
Maintain liaison with contractors via the
contracting officers representative (COR), Naval
Aviation Engineering Services Unit (NAESU), Naval
Aviation Depot Operations Center (NAVAV-
NDEPOTOPSCEN), and other available field technical
services. Establish and maintain liaison with other
maintenance and rework activities to obtain information
on ways to improve maintenance techniques, quality of
workmanship, and QA procedures.
Obtain and use appropriate inspection
equipment, such as lights, borescopes, mirrors,
magnifying glasses, fluorescent inspection kits,
tensiometers, pressure gauges, and carbon monoxide
testers. Ensure that production personnel have such
equipment available, in operating condition, calibrated,
if applicable, and in use.
Ensure that established standard procedures are
observed for conducting scheduled and unscheduled
inspections, ground tests and bench checks of
components, including engines. Periodically (at a
minimum, once a quarter) accompany check crews or
plane captains during inspections. Check the
performance of their work to ensure that the desired
quality level is obtained.
Ensure check pilots and aircrew members are
briefed before the post maintenance functional check
flight (FCF) so the purpose and objective of the flight
are clearly understood. After completion of the FCF,